How to Find Seminars in Your Area of Business
- 1). Call your local chamber of commerce. The chamber usually maintains a list of active business and professional organizations. Inquire about groups in your area of endeavor.
- 2). Phone local and statewide trade groups, unions and professional organizations, asking about seminars of possible interest to you. Many groups operate Web sites on which upcoming seminars and training sessions are listed.
- 3). Call local colleges and universities, asking about continuing-education programs in your profession.
- 4). Contact state or federal regulatory agencies that deal with issues of interest to you. They might know of training programs and seminars in the area.
- 5). Check your local newspaper. Many newspapers now publish weekly lists of computer user groups and other organizations that sponsor training sessions.
- 6). Contact colleagues and consultants in your trade, asking where they receive continuing education and training.
- 7). Check out the Web site, which lists thousands of seminars offered nationwide.
- 8). Visit, a Web site that lists trade shows, seminars and other events.