Internet Marketing Tips - The Rich Man"s System Revealed With Richard Butler
I just listened to a very informative interview with online success coach Richard Butler, and I am quite excited about what I have learned.
In this article I will share some of his success tips (and a few of my own).
For me, the most exciting thing about working online and having my own business on the Internet is getting a sale notification! Nothing quite beats the feeling you get when you go into your inbox and you see a message with details about a sale on your site.
It is simply wonderful! It really is great when it happens to you.
You see, except for the fact that a sales notification tells you that your site is working, there's this astonishing fact: (I will never seize to be amazed about this!) -- someone you don't know, have never met and will never speak to or hear from again, has just given you money! If that does not get you excited, I don't know what will! I really enjoy the process of learning how to make money online, and I think you will agree -- being rich does not only mean having lots of cash (although cash is still king, is it not?).
But being successful also means having lots of TIME.
It's all about the freedom to go where you want and do what you want, whenever you feel like it.
That is what true wealth is all about.
If you are serious about learning the tricks of the trade and are ready to discover the steps you need to take to become rich, then you will find yourself on a truly magical journey of self-discovery, and you will be shocked by how much quality info is available on the web.
The problem is where to find it.
I have spent hundreds of hours during the past 6 months looking for some hot wealth creation secrets.
I have been on a mission to get top business advice from people who are already successful.
And I think I have just found what I've been looking for.
Let me give you a taste of what I have uncovered whilst listening to Richard.
5 New Online Income Tips: 1.
) You must have a really brilliant, but more importantly, unique product that everyone (in your niche) wants.
This seems obvious, but let me clarify the hidden message here.
Many online marketers give away tons of "bonuses" with their products, attempting to "sweeten the pot" so much that potential customers won't be able to say no.
The problem with this kind of offer is this -- If you give your prospects a cheap offer - they will feel cheap! Here is a great quote from Richard on this topic: "If you cannot sell it, don't give it away.
" Enough said.
) Here is another powerful tip -- "We are not born into a particular mindset.
" This one is not as obvious, but just as important as the first tip.
Your mindset says a lot about the way you think, how you see yourself, the opportunities you go for as well as your attitude to obstacles.
Richard talks about "Thinking Rich" - a concept that requires some explanation.
But thinking is not enough.
We live in an action oriented business world! I interpret this "thinking rich mindset" as a call to action.
LEARNING a new, more successful mindset and committing myself to a life of learning.
This is the main difference between average and above-average marketers -- you have to do the "work of learning".
There's no such thing as lasting success without hard work, and you have to develop the correct skills.
) Do not do business for the money -- do it because you love doing it! This is a big one.
I am actually still shifting my attitude to integrate this tip.
It basically means that we have to stop chasing the cash and change our viewpoint to one where doing business is more about quality, care and integrity than just money.
Sure, money is great, but in many ways people don't buy your products or services ...
they buy you! 4.
) Here is another great change in thinking I just adopted.
(This one comes from Master List Builder, Michael Cheney).
"Your subscribers are NOT doing you a favor by joining your list - You are doing THEM a favor!" In other words, you are the one in charge here, and they should be grateful to be on such a quality list.
They should appreciate the quality of the information you provide.
Note that this also means that if you are to adopt this attitude you will also have the responsibility to be more professional, providing your subscribers with the very best information you can.
) The secret to success on the internet is getting other people to promote your site.
You can do this by creating your own affiliate network and sharing your profits with them, or you could simply provide such high quality content that people can't resist linking to your site.
It's that simple.
Finally, let me add a Bonus Tip I just 're-discovered' this morning: There is ENOUGH for everyone on the Internet! There is enough money to be made, enough people to sell to and enough resources to share.
The profits that can be earned on the Web are truly unlimited, and you absolutely CAN become moderately to very rich if you follow a good system and learn the right mindset ...
and then take action! It is estimated that online shoppers are already spending more than a Billion Dollars every day.
In 2004 holiday shoppers in the United States spent $25 billion online during one week (according to ABCmoney.
So yes, true abundance is possible through this medium.
The secret is learning the trade, working hard and persevering until you succeed.
So, how rich will you become?
In this article I will share some of his success tips (and a few of my own).
For me, the most exciting thing about working online and having my own business on the Internet is getting a sale notification! Nothing quite beats the feeling you get when you go into your inbox and you see a message with details about a sale on your site.
It is simply wonderful! It really is great when it happens to you.
You see, except for the fact that a sales notification tells you that your site is working, there's this astonishing fact: (I will never seize to be amazed about this!) -- someone you don't know, have never met and will never speak to or hear from again, has just given you money! If that does not get you excited, I don't know what will! I really enjoy the process of learning how to make money online, and I think you will agree -- being rich does not only mean having lots of cash (although cash is still king, is it not?).
But being successful also means having lots of TIME.
It's all about the freedom to go where you want and do what you want, whenever you feel like it.
That is what true wealth is all about.
If you are serious about learning the tricks of the trade and are ready to discover the steps you need to take to become rich, then you will find yourself on a truly magical journey of self-discovery, and you will be shocked by how much quality info is available on the web.
The problem is where to find it.
I have spent hundreds of hours during the past 6 months looking for some hot wealth creation secrets.
I have been on a mission to get top business advice from people who are already successful.
And I think I have just found what I've been looking for.
Let me give you a taste of what I have uncovered whilst listening to Richard.
5 New Online Income Tips: 1.
) You must have a really brilliant, but more importantly, unique product that everyone (in your niche) wants.
This seems obvious, but let me clarify the hidden message here.
Many online marketers give away tons of "bonuses" with their products, attempting to "sweeten the pot" so much that potential customers won't be able to say no.
The problem with this kind of offer is this -- If you give your prospects a cheap offer - they will feel cheap! Here is a great quote from Richard on this topic: "If you cannot sell it, don't give it away.
" Enough said.
) Here is another powerful tip -- "We are not born into a particular mindset.
" This one is not as obvious, but just as important as the first tip.
Your mindset says a lot about the way you think, how you see yourself, the opportunities you go for as well as your attitude to obstacles.
Richard talks about "Thinking Rich" - a concept that requires some explanation.
But thinking is not enough.
We live in an action oriented business world! I interpret this "thinking rich mindset" as a call to action.
LEARNING a new, more successful mindset and committing myself to a life of learning.
This is the main difference between average and above-average marketers -- you have to do the "work of learning".
There's no such thing as lasting success without hard work, and you have to develop the correct skills.
) Do not do business for the money -- do it because you love doing it! This is a big one.
I am actually still shifting my attitude to integrate this tip.
It basically means that we have to stop chasing the cash and change our viewpoint to one where doing business is more about quality, care and integrity than just money.
Sure, money is great, but in many ways people don't buy your products or services ...
they buy you! 4.
) Here is another great change in thinking I just adopted.
(This one comes from Master List Builder, Michael Cheney).
"Your subscribers are NOT doing you a favor by joining your list - You are doing THEM a favor!" In other words, you are the one in charge here, and they should be grateful to be on such a quality list.
They should appreciate the quality of the information you provide.
Note that this also means that if you are to adopt this attitude you will also have the responsibility to be more professional, providing your subscribers with the very best information you can.
) The secret to success on the internet is getting other people to promote your site.
You can do this by creating your own affiliate network and sharing your profits with them, or you could simply provide such high quality content that people can't resist linking to your site.
It's that simple.
Finally, let me add a Bonus Tip I just 're-discovered' this morning: There is ENOUGH for everyone on the Internet! There is enough money to be made, enough people to sell to and enough resources to share.
The profits that can be earned on the Web are truly unlimited, and you absolutely CAN become moderately to very rich if you follow a good system and learn the right mindset ...
and then take action! It is estimated that online shoppers are already spending more than a Billion Dollars every day.
In 2004 holiday shoppers in the United States spent $25 billion online during one week (according to ABCmoney.
So yes, true abundance is possible through this medium.
The secret is learning the trade, working hard and persevering until you succeed.
So, how rich will you become?