3 Things You Can Do to Help You Quickly Get Over a Break Up
Breaking up is never easy for any one, regardless of which one of you ended it. It can be hard to let go, but sometimes we do not have a choice. They say that time heals all things and while this can be true, sometimes there are things we can do to make it easier. As you may know, we don't all necessarily have the time to sit around pining for lost love. It is very unconstructive and can be damaging to our self esteem. There are certain things you can do right now which will hopefully help to ease the pain you may be feeling and help you to see things in a new light.
1. Be realistic about the relationship you have just lost. When we break up with someone we tend to focus on all the good things we thought we had. I urge you to focus on the negatives of the relationship and even though you think there weren't any, I can assure you if that was the case then the relationship would not have ended in the first place. It will help you to remember why the relationship was not working. Learn from it what you can and then use it to help pick yourself up and move on. There is a whole world of opportunities out there and now that you are single again you are free to explore them. You can use this time to discover who you are again and get back out there. Have some fun because who wants to be in a dead-end relationship anyways?
2. Go on the rebound. There are probably many people out there who will disagree with me and say that this is not healthy, but I beg to differ. As long as you don't get too serious with your rebound partner unless you are ready and mean it, I think it will be a healthy distraction from your pain and suffering. Put yourself back out there and just have fun. I know that being 'on the market' again can be quite scary and many of us worry that we will never find anyone, but realistically you've already found someone once, so the second time around is usually easier. Dating is fun and you should be glad that you will get to experience those first date nerves, the first kiss and everything else that goes with it all over again.
3. Cut off all contact with your ex. This may sound harsh, but it will be better for you in the long run. Should you choose, you can later reconnect with them, but only once you are sure that you have moved on. I know this is easier said than done, but staying in contact with them will only keep you from moving forward properly. You need to distance yourself and take the time out to get over them. If you do not cut off all contact, you will be constantly waiting for them to call or get in touch or you may want to reach out to them. This could leave you with the disillusion that there may still be hope for the relationship, which often is not the case. I strongly believe that if it ended, it was for a good reason and one should never move backwards.
If you follow this advice I can assure you that things will get a lot easier faster than if you choose to ignore it. No body wants to suffer longer than they have to and while it can be very hard, you do have control over how you decide to cope with it.
1. Be realistic about the relationship you have just lost. When we break up with someone we tend to focus on all the good things we thought we had. I urge you to focus on the negatives of the relationship and even though you think there weren't any, I can assure you if that was the case then the relationship would not have ended in the first place. It will help you to remember why the relationship was not working. Learn from it what you can and then use it to help pick yourself up and move on. There is a whole world of opportunities out there and now that you are single again you are free to explore them. You can use this time to discover who you are again and get back out there. Have some fun because who wants to be in a dead-end relationship anyways?
2. Go on the rebound. There are probably many people out there who will disagree with me and say that this is not healthy, but I beg to differ. As long as you don't get too serious with your rebound partner unless you are ready and mean it, I think it will be a healthy distraction from your pain and suffering. Put yourself back out there and just have fun. I know that being 'on the market' again can be quite scary and many of us worry that we will never find anyone, but realistically you've already found someone once, so the second time around is usually easier. Dating is fun and you should be glad that you will get to experience those first date nerves, the first kiss and everything else that goes with it all over again.
3. Cut off all contact with your ex. This may sound harsh, but it will be better for you in the long run. Should you choose, you can later reconnect with them, but only once you are sure that you have moved on. I know this is easier said than done, but staying in contact with them will only keep you from moving forward properly. You need to distance yourself and take the time out to get over them. If you do not cut off all contact, you will be constantly waiting for them to call or get in touch or you may want to reach out to them. This could leave you with the disillusion that there may still be hope for the relationship, which often is not the case. I strongly believe that if it ended, it was for a good reason and one should never move backwards.
If you follow this advice I can assure you that things will get a lot easier faster than if you choose to ignore it. No body wants to suffer longer than they have to and while it can be very hard, you do have control over how you decide to cope with it.