Food Stamp Benefit Questions
- The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps low-income people afford food.Beijing Bottle Collector image by Lenkarl from
The food stamps program in the United Stated is called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or "SNAP." This program helps low-income people buy food by issuing government-sponsored debit cards that they can use at certain stores. To quality for SNAP program benefits, you must meet certain requirements. - People who qualify for the program can buy food at stores that have a sign displaying the Cardinal Card or the Quest symbol. Food stamps recipients receive a debit card from their respective state that has food stamp credits they can use each month.
- To receive food stamp benefits, you must have a valid Social Security number and be either a U.S. citizen or U.S. national or have status as a qualified alien. As of 2010, everyone in your household has to have less than $2,000 in combined resources. These resources include cash, bank accounts and personal property. Your house doesn't count as a resource. If you're over the age of 60 you can have up to $3,000 in total resources. For a household of four, your net monthly income can't be more than $1,838. According to the SNAP website, SNAP benefits are available to all eligible households regardless of race, sex, religious creed, national origin or political beliefs.
- As of 2010, adults between ages 18 and 50 with no dependent children can receive food stamp benefits for three months during any given 36-month period. You can only get food stamp benefits if you don't work or participate in an employment and training program other than job search.
- The amount of food stamp benefits your household can get is determined by the number of people in it. As of 2010, for a single person, the maximum monthly allotment is $200. For a family of two, the maximum monthly allotment is $367. For a family of four, the maximum monthly allotment is $668. For a family of six, the maximum monthly allotment is $952. For a family of eight, the maximum monthly allotment is $1,202.
- If you apply for food stamp benefits after the first day of the month, you will get food stamp benefits for the month starting from the day you apply.
How Does the Food Stamp Program Work?
Who Is Eligible for Food Stamp Benefits?
How Long Can You Get Food Stamps Benefits?
How Much Will I Get in Food Stamp Benefits?
When Do You Get Food Stamp Benefits?