Why is my computer running so slow?
In order to achieve a good performance in windows system nay tune up tricks or steps can be performed. Below are 9 steps mentioned applying them can bring speed and performance to your PC to a great coverage. If you want to know "why is my computer running so slow" you need to go through the below mentioned points carefully.
Repair windows- This is the case when you have tried many troubleshooting steps and tried PC cleaner and repair programs. If there are some issues with windows system files and you are receiving error messages pertaining to system related issues you may go for system repair. For this you need to run your original windows installation CD which can repair all the system related files. In my experience this is very useful and really helps when no other resolution works. You may search online how to repair your windows (Note- This is vary to every version of windows as XP repair steps are different from windows Vista).
Undo recent changes you have made- If your system showing poor performance recently you can reverse the changes you have made. Sometime it is seen that all of sudden the performance of a system goes down. In such cases you can simply uninstall the program or remove the hardware if there is any.
Remove any infection from your PC- Apparently infection can spoil your PC performance to a maximum extent. Remove any infection finds in the system as soon as possible, either with the help of your antivirus program or remove it manually.
Keep Windows up to date- Open control panel and look for Automatic updates. Make sure it is turned on. You may also perform a manual updating for all the recent updates.
Do not fill your hard completely-The drive where the OS is installed should be left empty at least 15% of the total size allocated to it. This is highly recommended in all scenarios.
Increase main memory- If main memory (RAM actually) is not sufficient in the system it becomes slow. Nowadays heavy applications are available that need huge size of RAM. Gaming software also requires more memory to run them smoothly.
Perform disk cleanup and defrag regularly- These two windows in built utilities are of great use. Disk clean cleans the entire temporary and unwanted files from your system while defrag is used to defrag system or any other drive so that while accessing data from the drive it runs faster.
Empty your Prefetch folder. Prefetch files are helpful to run the repetitive programs faster. Windows stores a file of the program you are using to make it start up faster. After years of using your computer this folder, Prefetch folder, gets full with unused programs.
You need to save the below statements in a notepad file as faster.bat
del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /Q"
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
Save as "faster.bat" (The .bat extension will run it as a batch file.)
Run it! In a few seconds the command prompt will vanish and your programs should run smoothly.
Restore your system- If you have tried everything as above mentioned the only option (Except to format windows) you have left is to restore your system to any previous date where the system was running smoothly.
Repair windows- This is the case when you have tried many troubleshooting steps and tried PC cleaner and repair programs. If there are some issues with windows system files and you are receiving error messages pertaining to system related issues you may go for system repair. For this you need to run your original windows installation CD which can repair all the system related files. In my experience this is very useful and really helps when no other resolution works. You may search online how to repair your windows (Note- This is vary to every version of windows as XP repair steps are different from windows Vista).
Undo recent changes you have made- If your system showing poor performance recently you can reverse the changes you have made. Sometime it is seen that all of sudden the performance of a system goes down. In such cases you can simply uninstall the program or remove the hardware if there is any.
Remove any infection from your PC- Apparently infection can spoil your PC performance to a maximum extent. Remove any infection finds in the system as soon as possible, either with the help of your antivirus program or remove it manually.
Keep Windows up to date- Open control panel and look for Automatic updates. Make sure it is turned on. You may also perform a manual updating for all the recent updates.
Do not fill your hard completely-The drive where the OS is installed should be left empty at least 15% of the total size allocated to it. This is highly recommended in all scenarios.
Increase main memory- If main memory (RAM actually) is not sufficient in the system it becomes slow. Nowadays heavy applications are available that need huge size of RAM. Gaming software also requires more memory to run them smoothly.
Perform disk cleanup and defrag regularly- These two windows in built utilities are of great use. Disk clean cleans the entire temporary and unwanted files from your system while defrag is used to defrag system or any other drive so that while accessing data from the drive it runs faster.
Empty your Prefetch folder. Prefetch files are helpful to run the repetitive programs faster. Windows stores a file of the program you are using to make it start up faster. After years of using your computer this folder, Prefetch folder, gets full with unused programs.
You need to save the below statements in a notepad file as faster.bat
del C:\Windows\Prefetch\*.* /Q"
Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
Save as "faster.bat" (The .bat extension will run it as a batch file.)
Run it! In a few seconds the command prompt will vanish and your programs should run smoothly.
Restore your system- If you have tried everything as above mentioned the only option (Except to format windows) you have left is to restore your system to any previous date where the system was running smoothly.