Do You Prefer a Casual Or Hardcore PC Game?
Lately, there has been a lot of talk about so-called "casual" and "hardcore" games and why they are so different.
You can find a PC game that has been clearly tailored to one or the other (usually according to the marketing hype), but is there really that much of a difference? Do you have to let your current interest in PC or online games define you as a gamer? Can't you just play what you feel like? What does it take to make a PC game casual or hardcore? It wasn't that long ago when a "casual game" would have simply been called a "family game.
" However, that kind of branding doesn't sell as well anymore.
Still, a casual PC game would have to be defined as the ones that appeal to the widest demographic (or every part of the family).
On the other hand, hardcore games only need to appeal to a specific group - generally the kind that likes to watch things blow up.
If nothing seems likely to explode any time soon, they will settle for a high fantasy or hard science fiction theme.
Hardcore gamers also like online games that offer a certain amount of competition.
Then there are the Massively multiplayer Online Games.
These came out a number of years ago and were quickly taken over by the hardcore gamers.
People spent hours on end just hunting down angry rats in an attempt to "level up" once more before signing off.
Now, though, these games have crossed over into mainstream popularity, so does that mean they can be considered a "casual" PC game? There's no real reason to group gamers like that.
The gaming industry keeps growing and turning more mainstream, and the line between the two classifications will keep blurring.
Hardcore gamers will satisfy their competitive nature on the simplest games, and casual gamers won't be able to resist the chance to blow up virtual items for entertainment.
Where would you even classify things like sports or racing PC games? These don't quite fit so easily into one category or the other.
They appeal to a wide audience, but they can also meet the needs of die-hard sports, racing, or gaming fans.
These games can also help move one type of gamer to another category for a while.
The gaming industry will continue to develop and evolve and bring more and more people in, but it's hard to say exactly which group, the casual or the hardcore, will dominate the market.
Lately, they seem to fluctuate back and forth quite often.
You own personal preferences are going to have the final say, of course.
After all, there's nothing wrong with giving up the big guns for a while to enjoy a simple puzzle, or dropping the mini games to get involved with a the newest shooter PC game on the market.
You can find a PC game that has been clearly tailored to one or the other (usually according to the marketing hype), but is there really that much of a difference? Do you have to let your current interest in PC or online games define you as a gamer? Can't you just play what you feel like? What does it take to make a PC game casual or hardcore? It wasn't that long ago when a "casual game" would have simply been called a "family game.
" However, that kind of branding doesn't sell as well anymore.
Still, a casual PC game would have to be defined as the ones that appeal to the widest demographic (or every part of the family).
On the other hand, hardcore games only need to appeal to a specific group - generally the kind that likes to watch things blow up.
If nothing seems likely to explode any time soon, they will settle for a high fantasy or hard science fiction theme.
Hardcore gamers also like online games that offer a certain amount of competition.
Then there are the Massively multiplayer Online Games.
These came out a number of years ago and were quickly taken over by the hardcore gamers.
People spent hours on end just hunting down angry rats in an attempt to "level up" once more before signing off.
Now, though, these games have crossed over into mainstream popularity, so does that mean they can be considered a "casual" PC game? There's no real reason to group gamers like that.
The gaming industry keeps growing and turning more mainstream, and the line between the two classifications will keep blurring.
Hardcore gamers will satisfy their competitive nature on the simplest games, and casual gamers won't be able to resist the chance to blow up virtual items for entertainment.
Where would you even classify things like sports or racing PC games? These don't quite fit so easily into one category or the other.
They appeal to a wide audience, but they can also meet the needs of die-hard sports, racing, or gaming fans.
These games can also help move one type of gamer to another category for a while.
The gaming industry will continue to develop and evolve and bring more and more people in, but it's hard to say exactly which group, the casual or the hardcore, will dominate the market.
Lately, they seem to fluctuate back and forth quite often.
You own personal preferences are going to have the final say, of course.
After all, there's nothing wrong with giving up the big guns for a while to enjoy a simple puzzle, or dropping the mini games to get involved with a the newest shooter PC game on the market.