Are You Ready to Fire Your Boss?
Are you ready for a home based business? Ok, you are ready to fire your boss and work from home.
That is a dream that many have, but many, if not most of us, have a job mentality.
If you are looking for the tremendous freedom and flexibility that a home based business will bring to the table, you must first ask yourself some serious questions.
If you are part of the corporate world and have had a well defined job and were closely supervised, the transition to being self motivated and independent in your actions could be a challenge.
If you were working a corporate job you only had your piece of the pie to worry about, your specific job duties.
All of the other aspects of that business were taken care of by someone else.
Meaning that someone else took care of the books, paid the bills, dealt with the other employees, and fixed the computers, etc.
You now will have to become the jack of all trades, the wearer of all the different hats necessary for the success of your business, or hire and pay someone else to do those tasks.
Again, if you were working a corporate job, you were used to a routine set by your boss.
You were working set hours and followed an employer imposed schedule.
This included start and stop times, break and lunch times, along with when and how long you could vacation.
Most of us are creatures of habit, so it is wise to set up your own schedule as well.
Define your work times and break times.
You will be able to be as flexible as you desire, it's your business.
Do you know how to set goals? This is a very important step in your success ladder.
To travel across the country, you would need a roadmap to keep you on track and be a gauge for where you are at.
Goals are the same.
Start with attainable goals and as you reach those milestones, raise the bar and continue to travel towards you destiny.
There are plenty of distractions in this life we live.
Being at home puts you in contact with a lot of distractions not previously experienced.
Competing for your time will be kids and pets, household chores, television, your spouse, and the refrigerator.
It is best if your home office is in a room with a door to help keep the distractions to a minimum.
So, after it is all said and done, you have followed the advice given above, it is important to know that you must in so many ways treat this new opportunity like a job.
After so many hours you have accomplished much, and I know the feeling that more needs to be done.
That's the workaholic coming out of you, which you never really knew was in you.
But your family needs you and you need the break so that you can rejuvenate yourself.
So, know when to call it a day and reward yourself by spending time with your loved ones.
That was one of your reasons for starting a home based business in the first place.
RIGHT! So if after reading this and evaluating your personality and work habits, and you understand some of the requirements of working at home.
Then by all means, if it seems like a fit and you think that it is you...
Go for it! Enjoy your time and financial freedom that can come from a home based business.
That is a dream that many have, but many, if not most of us, have a job mentality.
If you are looking for the tremendous freedom and flexibility that a home based business will bring to the table, you must first ask yourself some serious questions.
If you are part of the corporate world and have had a well defined job and were closely supervised, the transition to being self motivated and independent in your actions could be a challenge.
If you were working a corporate job you only had your piece of the pie to worry about, your specific job duties.
All of the other aspects of that business were taken care of by someone else.
Meaning that someone else took care of the books, paid the bills, dealt with the other employees, and fixed the computers, etc.
You now will have to become the jack of all trades, the wearer of all the different hats necessary for the success of your business, or hire and pay someone else to do those tasks.
Again, if you were working a corporate job, you were used to a routine set by your boss.
You were working set hours and followed an employer imposed schedule.
This included start and stop times, break and lunch times, along with when and how long you could vacation.
Most of us are creatures of habit, so it is wise to set up your own schedule as well.
Define your work times and break times.
You will be able to be as flexible as you desire, it's your business.
Do you know how to set goals? This is a very important step in your success ladder.
To travel across the country, you would need a roadmap to keep you on track and be a gauge for where you are at.
Goals are the same.
Start with attainable goals and as you reach those milestones, raise the bar and continue to travel towards you destiny.
There are plenty of distractions in this life we live.
Being at home puts you in contact with a lot of distractions not previously experienced.
Competing for your time will be kids and pets, household chores, television, your spouse, and the refrigerator.
It is best if your home office is in a room with a door to help keep the distractions to a minimum.
So, after it is all said and done, you have followed the advice given above, it is important to know that you must in so many ways treat this new opportunity like a job.
After so many hours you have accomplished much, and I know the feeling that more needs to be done.
That's the workaholic coming out of you, which you never really knew was in you.
But your family needs you and you need the break so that you can rejuvenate yourself.
So, know when to call it a day and reward yourself by spending time with your loved ones.
That was one of your reasons for starting a home based business in the first place.
RIGHT! So if after reading this and evaluating your personality and work habits, and you understand some of the requirements of working at home.
Then by all means, if it seems like a fit and you think that it is you...
Go for it! Enjoy your time and financial freedom that can come from a home based business.