The Very Spritual Concept Of Being The Change
One of the beautiful aspects of this human experience is our ability to imagine what we want out of life. Often we put these imaginings in terms of goals that we wish to attain. We have individual goals and we also have collective goals as the societies and global community we all live in.
Unfortunately all to often we observe a clear disparity from what we claim to be our goals and what we are doing to achieve those goals. We can observe this on an individual level and on a societal level. We define what it is that we desire, but we don't do the things necessary to manifest those desires.
We need to understand the creative process more thoroughly. Thought, word, and deed.
The thought of peace appeals to us, both individually and collectively, so we choose this thought to pursue. We speak the words of peace, both individually and collectively, and thereby create the concept more fully in our minds, but to actually manifest peace into our existence, both individually and collectively, we need to take the action required to bring peace forward into our reality. This is where the creation process breaks down, both individually and collectively.
The prevailing mentality is that we must do a series of things designed to induce peace to come into our existence. The belief being that this doingness will manifest the state of being we desire, namely peace.
We have the process backward. What we need to start with is the state of beingness that we desire. Once we achieve that desired beingness, namely being peaceful, then we will begin doing peaceful things. Remember, beingness creates doingness, not the other way around.
So if we, individually and collectively, want to create peace in our lives, then individually and collectively, we should be peaceful. If you are being peaceful, you don't go to war with other people and kill them. If you are being peaceful you do peaceful things, such as talk to those who disagree with you to determine mutually beneficial solutions. When you talk to people who disagree with you and you come from a position of peace, you are aligning yourself with peaceful resolutions. If you come from a position other than being peaceful, you align yourself with that non-peaceful resolution that you tell yourself will eventually bring you peace. You are then surprised that peace does not happen.
The connection is clear. Beingness creates doingness. If you are not being what you desire, you will not be doing what you desire, even if you think you are.
If you desire peace and you don't have it, then how can you just be peace without doing something to achieve it? It turns out to be quite simple (simple, yet complex). You merely choose it. You choose to be peace rather than the state of unpeacefulness that you formerly were. You know what peace would look like if you had it. You know the concept. So you choose the concept you know of as peace and them you be that concept. You act peaceful and do peaceful things in alignment with what you know peace to be.
You hold within you an awareness that you have made a conscious choice to be peaceful and from this beingness you will do peaceful things.
Conscious awareness is the key to the path of peace. Everything changes moment to moment, and what you are being in one moment may change to being something else in the next moment. You can go from being compassionate in one moment to being generous in the next moment. You choose your beingness moment to moment, so it is critical that you be awake and aware of what you have established as your core set of beliefs that you draw upon when you decide who you choose to be given the present moment situation.
Sleepwalkers flit from one state of beingness to the next without a conscious awareness of what serves them. When you are awake and walk in awareness you are aware of what serves you and can then consciously choose that state of being which creates a doingness that serves you.
Be the change you wish to see in the world and you will start doing the things that manifest that change.
Unfortunately all to often we observe a clear disparity from what we claim to be our goals and what we are doing to achieve those goals. We can observe this on an individual level and on a societal level. We define what it is that we desire, but we don't do the things necessary to manifest those desires.
We need to understand the creative process more thoroughly. Thought, word, and deed.
The thought of peace appeals to us, both individually and collectively, so we choose this thought to pursue. We speak the words of peace, both individually and collectively, and thereby create the concept more fully in our minds, but to actually manifest peace into our existence, both individually and collectively, we need to take the action required to bring peace forward into our reality. This is where the creation process breaks down, both individually and collectively.
The prevailing mentality is that we must do a series of things designed to induce peace to come into our existence. The belief being that this doingness will manifest the state of being we desire, namely peace.
We have the process backward. What we need to start with is the state of beingness that we desire. Once we achieve that desired beingness, namely being peaceful, then we will begin doing peaceful things. Remember, beingness creates doingness, not the other way around.
So if we, individually and collectively, want to create peace in our lives, then individually and collectively, we should be peaceful. If you are being peaceful, you don't go to war with other people and kill them. If you are being peaceful you do peaceful things, such as talk to those who disagree with you to determine mutually beneficial solutions. When you talk to people who disagree with you and you come from a position of peace, you are aligning yourself with peaceful resolutions. If you come from a position other than being peaceful, you align yourself with that non-peaceful resolution that you tell yourself will eventually bring you peace. You are then surprised that peace does not happen.
The connection is clear. Beingness creates doingness. If you are not being what you desire, you will not be doing what you desire, even if you think you are.
If you desire peace and you don't have it, then how can you just be peace without doing something to achieve it? It turns out to be quite simple (simple, yet complex). You merely choose it. You choose to be peace rather than the state of unpeacefulness that you formerly were. You know what peace would look like if you had it. You know the concept. So you choose the concept you know of as peace and them you be that concept. You act peaceful and do peaceful things in alignment with what you know peace to be.
You hold within you an awareness that you have made a conscious choice to be peaceful and from this beingness you will do peaceful things.
Conscious awareness is the key to the path of peace. Everything changes moment to moment, and what you are being in one moment may change to being something else in the next moment. You can go from being compassionate in one moment to being generous in the next moment. You choose your beingness moment to moment, so it is critical that you be awake and aware of what you have established as your core set of beliefs that you draw upon when you decide who you choose to be given the present moment situation.
Sleepwalkers flit from one state of beingness to the next without a conscious awareness of what serves them. When you are awake and walk in awareness you are aware of what serves you and can then consciously choose that state of being which creates a doingness that serves you.
Be the change you wish to see in the world and you will start doing the things that manifest that change.