Israel and Palestine - A Modern Day Holocaust
The media in recent months has been full of coverage coming from the ongoing battles between Israel and Palestine. For many who have come to learn about this war between two opposing parties, this is about religion. A war between the Jews and Muslims in The Middle East. For others, this is a war about land and property. When we narrow it down however, this is not about race, religion, land or even money. This is a modern day holocaust. Genocide in its purest form. An ongoing act against humanity which has for decades been shelved and ignored by those in power for fear of €dealing with the problem€ at the expense of upsetting it's allies.
To understand the problem, one must acknowledge the historical background of the issue. Pre 1947 the land of Israel was wholly Palestine. After the holocaust however, the world leaders post World War 2 decided that the surviving Jews of Hitler's tyranny across Europe would need a home of their own and deserved their own land. They were given a large part of Palestine much to the anger of the surrounding Arab states.. Considering the historical battles in the Crusades, the expectancy of these 2 sides living in harmony was certainly a tough and somewhat unrealistic dream.
1967 saw Israel occupy more of the Palestinian land in what was labeled €The six day war€. This war deserves an article on its own however for the purpose of keeping this section brief, the facts are this: Israel feared that the surrounding Arab states were planning to invade Israel, something that the Arab states have always denied. Israel took control of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, therefore occupying 100% of the land that was initially divided in 1947 between Israel and Palestine. The UN, after the Six Day War had ordered Israel to give back the land occupied by Israel, back to the Palestinians. This was declined by Israel until the Arab states recognized Israel as a State. Over years, this occupied land has partially been €given back to the Palestinians€.
Fast forward to 2014. Israel prospers in 17th position in the worlds most economically developed rankings, with civilians living in a modern, western style, luxury living state of life. It boasts one of the superior economies in the world. Compare this to Palestine, in 2011 a UN report suggested that 78% of Palestinians across Jerusalem were living in poverty
The ongoing story across the media is that €Palestinians are terrorists and that Israel has a right to defend itself€. Though one must agree every State has a right to defend itself, one must question here whether it really is the Palestinians who are the terrorists. Between 2000-2013 the total number of Israelis killed by Palestinian attacks is 1,184 compared to the number of over 9000 Palestinians killed by the Israelis. These numbers are staggering. Especially when you consider over 2000 of those since the year 2000 have been children.
The anger that bursts from the world stems from the unbalanced deaths on both sides, and the unfair war that is clear to this day. While Palestinians who oppose the Israelis are fighting with €rockets€ made from domestic materials, stones and bricks, Israeli forces uses tanks, rifles, and lethal army weaponry. No wonder for every 1 Israeli death there is a near 10 Palestinian death as a consequence.
The continued support from the Western world toward Israel also angers those who are pro Palestinian. It is no secret that Israel is Americas strongest ally, and as a result a total of over $8m a day the USA aids Israel's military. Near 30,000 Palestinian homes have been bulldozed by these same tanks that the Americans aid Israel with. What further angers people is that Israel seems to have no regard for international law. Up until 2012 Israel had violated 226 UN Regulations. Another staggering figure. 2013 saw Israel break another 21.
So now Israel has all this land, what do they do with it? They build illegal Israeli settlements. They bulldoze Palestinian homes and build their own property on top of that land for their own people. 2014 has seen 1500 more illegal Jewish settlements be passed by the Israeli government taking this total to 300,000.
Where does this all link? If someone was to come to your home, kick you out of your own house, bulldoze your house, then build a property on it and then claim it was their house to live in, would you not revolt? Would you not be desperate for justice? Would it not infuriate you if they then claimed that they had a right to defend them selves and told the world that you were the oppressor?
For years now Israel has labeled Hamas (Palestinian government) as an illegal regime and a terrorist group who wish to crush Israel. Though the latter may be true, one must remember Hamas is not a dictatorship. Hamas was legally elected by the people of Palestine, therefore Israel's defiance on wishing to hold no peace talks with Hamas really stand no ground.
For those who may argue that this article is Pro Palestinian and Anti Israeli, let me make this clear. The Israeli people have a right to live in peace and without fear. The Israelis deserve their own freedom. Every State deserves its own land and its own recognition. Every State deserves the right to practice which religion they see fit. However this should all not be at the expense of another nation. This brutality and continuous murder of innocent Palestinians is not just. This is not about race, colour, creed, sex, religion or even land. This has become about genocide. Genocide that the Israeli government is carrying out through its military upon the Palestinian people. Palestinians deserve their own land. Land which is not controlled by the Israeli army, and land which is bigger than the geographical area they currently have.
This war between Palestine and Israel has been a used as a tool for terrorism across the world. Too often we see terrorist attacks across the world by Muslim extremists who claim they are fighting for the purpose of Palestine.
My personal opinion is that before any progress can be made for world peace, the problem between Israel and Palestine must come to an end. The killing must stop. The injustice must stop and the holocaust against the Palestinian people must stop.
To understand the problem, one must acknowledge the historical background of the issue. Pre 1947 the land of Israel was wholly Palestine. After the holocaust however, the world leaders post World War 2 decided that the surviving Jews of Hitler's tyranny across Europe would need a home of their own and deserved their own land. They were given a large part of Palestine much to the anger of the surrounding Arab states.. Considering the historical battles in the Crusades, the expectancy of these 2 sides living in harmony was certainly a tough and somewhat unrealistic dream.
1967 saw Israel occupy more of the Palestinian land in what was labeled €The six day war€. This war deserves an article on its own however for the purpose of keeping this section brief, the facts are this: Israel feared that the surrounding Arab states were planning to invade Israel, something that the Arab states have always denied. Israel took control of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, therefore occupying 100% of the land that was initially divided in 1947 between Israel and Palestine. The UN, after the Six Day War had ordered Israel to give back the land occupied by Israel, back to the Palestinians. This was declined by Israel until the Arab states recognized Israel as a State. Over years, this occupied land has partially been €given back to the Palestinians€.
Fast forward to 2014. Israel prospers in 17th position in the worlds most economically developed rankings, with civilians living in a modern, western style, luxury living state of life. It boasts one of the superior economies in the world. Compare this to Palestine, in 2011 a UN report suggested that 78% of Palestinians across Jerusalem were living in poverty
The ongoing story across the media is that €Palestinians are terrorists and that Israel has a right to defend itself€. Though one must agree every State has a right to defend itself, one must question here whether it really is the Palestinians who are the terrorists. Between 2000-2013 the total number of Israelis killed by Palestinian attacks is 1,184 compared to the number of over 9000 Palestinians killed by the Israelis. These numbers are staggering. Especially when you consider over 2000 of those since the year 2000 have been children.
The anger that bursts from the world stems from the unbalanced deaths on both sides, and the unfair war that is clear to this day. While Palestinians who oppose the Israelis are fighting with €rockets€ made from domestic materials, stones and bricks, Israeli forces uses tanks, rifles, and lethal army weaponry. No wonder for every 1 Israeli death there is a near 10 Palestinian death as a consequence.
The continued support from the Western world toward Israel also angers those who are pro Palestinian. It is no secret that Israel is Americas strongest ally, and as a result a total of over $8m a day the USA aids Israel's military. Near 30,000 Palestinian homes have been bulldozed by these same tanks that the Americans aid Israel with. What further angers people is that Israel seems to have no regard for international law. Up until 2012 Israel had violated 226 UN Regulations. Another staggering figure. 2013 saw Israel break another 21.
So now Israel has all this land, what do they do with it? They build illegal Israeli settlements. They bulldoze Palestinian homes and build their own property on top of that land for their own people. 2014 has seen 1500 more illegal Jewish settlements be passed by the Israeli government taking this total to 300,000.
Where does this all link? If someone was to come to your home, kick you out of your own house, bulldoze your house, then build a property on it and then claim it was their house to live in, would you not revolt? Would you not be desperate for justice? Would it not infuriate you if they then claimed that they had a right to defend them selves and told the world that you were the oppressor?
For years now Israel has labeled Hamas (Palestinian government) as an illegal regime and a terrorist group who wish to crush Israel. Though the latter may be true, one must remember Hamas is not a dictatorship. Hamas was legally elected by the people of Palestine, therefore Israel's defiance on wishing to hold no peace talks with Hamas really stand no ground.
For those who may argue that this article is Pro Palestinian and Anti Israeli, let me make this clear. The Israeli people have a right to live in peace and without fear. The Israelis deserve their own freedom. Every State deserves its own land and its own recognition. Every State deserves the right to practice which religion they see fit. However this should all not be at the expense of another nation. This brutality and continuous murder of innocent Palestinians is not just. This is not about race, colour, creed, sex, religion or even land. This has become about genocide. Genocide that the Israeli government is carrying out through its military upon the Palestinian people. Palestinians deserve their own land. Land which is not controlled by the Israeli army, and land which is bigger than the geographical area they currently have.
This war between Palestine and Israel has been a used as a tool for terrorism across the world. Too often we see terrorist attacks across the world by Muslim extremists who claim they are fighting for the purpose of Palestine.
My personal opinion is that before any progress can be made for world peace, the problem between Israel and Palestine must come to an end. The killing must stop. The injustice must stop and the holocaust against the Palestinian people must stop.