To Be or Not To Be
The famous quote, "To be or not to be, that is the question," is from William Shakespeare's classic drama Hamlet.
How many people would think that this statement from a work of fiction would come to have a meaning in our modern day society? I live in a predominately rural community where it is looked down upon to be different; therefore, it is hard for one to be themselves.
I have several friends who are different, and they are persecuted everyday for being different.
Whether they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, punk rockers, "emo", or black, for some reason it is not okay for them to live here and be that way.
I don't fit into the normal stereotype of a girl from Muskingum County.
I don't like country music, cows, or farming.
I've always dreamed of living far away.
I enjoy fashion, punk and emo music, and the hustle and bustle of city life.
Is that wrong?In my community it is.
I'm different and everyone can see that.
I get told that I should stay here and go to college, or raise a family.
I don't want to do that.
I want to be able to live in a place where it is okay to be different.
The question still stands:"To be or not to be.
"Do we want to fit in?Do we want to be accepted in our community?Yes, but all of us believe that we should not have to change who we are as people to be accepted.
Be who you want to be:gay, straight, white, black, or purple, it does not matter.
How many people would think that this statement from a work of fiction would come to have a meaning in our modern day society? I live in a predominately rural community where it is looked down upon to be different; therefore, it is hard for one to be themselves.
I have several friends who are different, and they are persecuted everyday for being different.
Whether they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, punk rockers, "emo", or black, for some reason it is not okay for them to live here and be that way.
I don't fit into the normal stereotype of a girl from Muskingum County.
I don't like country music, cows, or farming.
I've always dreamed of living far away.
I enjoy fashion, punk and emo music, and the hustle and bustle of city life.
Is that wrong?In my community it is.
I'm different and everyone can see that.
I get told that I should stay here and go to college, or raise a family.
I don't want to do that.
I want to be able to live in a place where it is okay to be different.
The question still stands:"To be or not to be.
"Do we want to fit in?Do we want to be accepted in our community?Yes, but all of us believe that we should not have to change who we are as people to be accepted.
Be who you want to be:gay, straight, white, black, or purple, it does not matter.