Letting Go of a Relationship
Your brain knows it's time to let go of your relationship, but your heart continues to hang on. The heart remembers the beginning of the relationship when everything was new, exciting and wonderful. Back when both of you gave 110%. Now, for whatever reasons, things have changed and it would be healthier for you and your partner if you just let go of your relationship.
How do you get past the indecisive stage and do the deed? First, you must recognize what makes an unhealthy relationship. Once you understand that you're keeping yourself and your partner in a negative situation, letting go of a relationship will be much easier.
Think back to when your relationship was new. Remember how you couldn't stand to spend time apart? Has that changed? Think about the quality of time you spend together now. Do you still share those long lingering looks across the room or do you shoot eye daggers at each other instead? Do you both enjoy cuddling on the couch or do you sit in your own chairs on opposite sides of the room? If you constantly choose to spend time alone pursuing your own interests over spending an evening alone with your partner, then your relationship is unhealthy. It might be time to consider letting go of a relationship if you are happier apart.
Have you ever noticed couples who think each other's habits are cute or endearing? Remember when you used to think that way? Do all the little things get on your nerves now? Do you wish you could change your partner? Have you started comparing them to other people you meet? These are all signs that you are unhappy with your relationship. This unhappiness will continue to grow into a breeding ground for depression and anxiety. If this is the case, letting go of a relationship may be the answer to your problems.
Are you afraid of being alone more than you are worried about letting go of a relationship? This fear of loneliness is a problem for many people. You must realize this way of thinking is harmful to you and unfair to your partner.
When you are considering letting go of a relationship, often all you can think of are the negative aspects such as the hurt and fear of loss. These are not good reasons to continue in a bad relationship. You might remember the love you used to share, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot wish it back. Sometimes hanging on is easier than facing the hurt that letting go of a relationship can bring. It's important to remember that the pain of breaking up will heal. Your heart will survive.
Letting go of a relationship often makes a person feel like they have failed when actually it's the first step toward healing. If you can find the courage to let go, then you allow yourself and your partner the chance to find healthier, happier relationships.
Written in association with Diamond Daddy, the all new sugar dating site.
How do you get past the indecisive stage and do the deed? First, you must recognize what makes an unhealthy relationship. Once you understand that you're keeping yourself and your partner in a negative situation, letting go of a relationship will be much easier.
Think back to when your relationship was new. Remember how you couldn't stand to spend time apart? Has that changed? Think about the quality of time you spend together now. Do you still share those long lingering looks across the room or do you shoot eye daggers at each other instead? Do you both enjoy cuddling on the couch or do you sit in your own chairs on opposite sides of the room? If you constantly choose to spend time alone pursuing your own interests over spending an evening alone with your partner, then your relationship is unhealthy. It might be time to consider letting go of a relationship if you are happier apart.
Have you ever noticed couples who think each other's habits are cute or endearing? Remember when you used to think that way? Do all the little things get on your nerves now? Do you wish you could change your partner? Have you started comparing them to other people you meet? These are all signs that you are unhappy with your relationship. This unhappiness will continue to grow into a breeding ground for depression and anxiety. If this is the case, letting go of a relationship may be the answer to your problems.
Are you afraid of being alone more than you are worried about letting go of a relationship? This fear of loneliness is a problem for many people. You must realize this way of thinking is harmful to you and unfair to your partner.
When you are considering letting go of a relationship, often all you can think of are the negative aspects such as the hurt and fear of loss. These are not good reasons to continue in a bad relationship. You might remember the love you used to share, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot wish it back. Sometimes hanging on is easier than facing the hurt that letting go of a relationship can bring. It's important to remember that the pain of breaking up will heal. Your heart will survive.
Letting go of a relationship often makes a person feel like they have failed when actually it's the first step toward healing. If you can find the courage to let go, then you allow yourself and your partner the chance to find healthier, happier relationships.
Written in association with Diamond Daddy, the all new sugar dating site.