eBook, eBook, eVerywhere an eBook
I am a writer, and I absolutely love books.
The real hardbound, paper kind, and the mustier and smellier the better.
But I am also an environmentalist, so I have to admit that my ideas about eBooks are very ambivalent.
I miss the total relaxation of snuggling up on the couch with a good book, but reading onscreen makes me feel..
progressive? connected? If you haven't noticed, eBooks are eVerywhere these days.
You can get them for free.
You can pay a fortune.
You can find them on every topic, and if there is still a topic that doesn't have an eBook, someone somewhere is writing it.
So how do you know if it is worth the money - or in the case of free eBooks, worth giving up your email address?Some of the same principals that have always applied are still true: oIf it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Do they promise that you will make more money than you ever dreamed overnight?Maybe the writer of that book did, but you probably won't.
oCan you trust the source?Is the author someone dependable, with a trustworthy reputation, with years of experience?Then the book probably has its good points too.
oAsk around.
Has anyone you know read the book?Check Amazon.
com - they sell eBooks, and you can read the reviews from customers who have purchased them.
Google the author or title for complaints.
oIs there an unconditional refund policy? oHas the company been in business for a long time, or will they disappear with your money shortly after purchase? Keeping these points in mind, there are many, many worthwhile eBooks on the market.
One of the best features of this format is the possibility to use active links within the book, which makes them perfect for research subjects.
The best of the eBooks will feature links to reference material, samples, additional information, and the author.
How about reading with a dictionary?Remember those days?An eBook makes it simple to look up words, phrases, and even language translation without ever leaving the computer.
So go ahead and take the risk.
Just do a little homework first.
The real hardbound, paper kind, and the mustier and smellier the better.
But I am also an environmentalist, so I have to admit that my ideas about eBooks are very ambivalent.
I miss the total relaxation of snuggling up on the couch with a good book, but reading onscreen makes me feel..
progressive? connected? If you haven't noticed, eBooks are eVerywhere these days.
You can get them for free.
You can pay a fortune.
You can find them on every topic, and if there is still a topic that doesn't have an eBook, someone somewhere is writing it.
So how do you know if it is worth the money - or in the case of free eBooks, worth giving up your email address?Some of the same principals that have always applied are still true: oIf it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Do they promise that you will make more money than you ever dreamed overnight?Maybe the writer of that book did, but you probably won't.
oCan you trust the source?Is the author someone dependable, with a trustworthy reputation, with years of experience?Then the book probably has its good points too.
oAsk around.
Has anyone you know read the book?Check Amazon.
com - they sell eBooks, and you can read the reviews from customers who have purchased them.
Google the author or title for complaints.
oIs there an unconditional refund policy? oHas the company been in business for a long time, or will they disappear with your money shortly after purchase? Keeping these points in mind, there are many, many worthwhile eBooks on the market.
One of the best features of this format is the possibility to use active links within the book, which makes them perfect for research subjects.
The best of the eBooks will feature links to reference material, samples, additional information, and the author.
How about reading with a dictionary?Remember those days?An eBook makes it simple to look up words, phrases, and even language translation without ever leaving the computer.
So go ahead and take the risk.
Just do a little homework first.