Louisiana Fog Light Usage Laws
- According to Louisiana revised statutes, motor vehicles may have a maximum of two fog lights mounted to the front bumper. These must be mounted between 12 and 30 inches off the ground. When the fog lights are illuminated, they cannot project a beam that, at a distance of 25 feet, is higher than 4 inches from the mounted level.
- According to Louisiana revised statute 32:301, fog lights may be illuminated at any time between sunset and sunrise, when there is insufficient natural light or when inclement weather leads to reduced visibility.
- Vehicle owners whose fog lights are used in an improper manner may be fined $25. The commissioner of motor vehicles has the right to approve or disapprove of any fog lights if they do not meet state requirements, as well as fine a vehicle owner for improper installation of fog lights.
Mounting of Fog Lights
Use of Fog Lights
Penalties for Improper Usage and Mounting of Fog Lights