Anger: An Often Mislabeled, Often Misperceived Emotion
Anger is a complex and compound phenomenon. It is often misunderstood and mixed up with other types of responses or reactions. Anger can be perceived as a feeling, an attitude, a state of mind, a position, or a wave of emotions. It also can be considered a mere temper, wild impulse, or acting out behavior. Some theorists classify all types of A emotions as signals or indicators, while others categorize them as pure phenomenological energies. However, anger should be seen as a spectrum of reactions and feelings ranging from the mild to the severe. It may be a case of irritation, frustration, being upset, resentment, hatred, madness, aggression, hostility, violence, or rage.
The basic form of anger is necessary for survival and normal development. It is often referred to as righteous indignation, resilient energy, or positive aggression, which ultimately fortifies the ego, strengthens the self, and empowers the personhood. Those who have been undermined, mistreated, or even oppressed need a good amount of positive energy and tough assertiveness to regain their sense of being in charge and to reclaim their dignity in life.
Family history, religious background, and sociocultural heritage normally define anger and regulate the appropriateness of its expression. What is acceptable in one custom may be totally unacceptable in another. For example, in some Eastern communities, the familys needs and honor come before those of the individual. So demanding ones own needs or defending ones own rights first would stand in sharp contrast with the traditions and values of the community (totally opposite to Western norms).Take help from telephone counselor.
People need help in self-awareness to discover the source and magnitude of their anger. Questions like, What makes me upset or resentful?and Why do I get so easily frustrated?help clarify whether it is a manifestation of selfishness and narcissism or a mobilization of necessary zeal on an existential level to face violation, stop injustice, and overcome evil. There is a difference between situational- reactive anger (due to temper or impulses) and stored-accumulated anger (due to long-term mistreatment).
The basic form of anger is necessary for survival and normal development. It is often referred to as righteous indignation, resilient energy, or positive aggression, which ultimately fortifies the ego, strengthens the self, and empowers the personhood. Those who have been undermined, mistreated, or even oppressed need a good amount of positive energy and tough assertiveness to regain their sense of being in charge and to reclaim their dignity in life.
Family history, religious background, and sociocultural heritage normally define anger and regulate the appropriateness of its expression. What is acceptable in one custom may be totally unacceptable in another. For example, in some Eastern communities, the familys needs and honor come before those of the individual. So demanding ones own needs or defending ones own rights first would stand in sharp contrast with the traditions and values of the community (totally opposite to Western norms).Take help from telephone counselor.
People need help in self-awareness to discover the source and magnitude of their anger. Questions like, What makes me upset or resentful?and Why do I get so easily frustrated?help clarify whether it is a manifestation of selfishness and narcissism or a mobilization of necessary zeal on an existential level to face violation, stop injustice, and overcome evil. There is a difference between situational- reactive anger (due to temper or impulses) and stored-accumulated anger (due to long-term mistreatment).