How to Build a Fillable PDF on a Mac
- 1). Open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat X by opening the program and clicking "File" and "Open," then selecting the file from the files and folders on your computer.
- 2). Click "Tools" from the right-hand menu, then click the "Forms" drop-down menu and select "Create."
- 3). Click the circle next to "Use the current document or browse to a file," then click "Next." At this point, your document should have highlighted fields.
- 4). Click "OK" in the popup window that notifies you that you are in editing mode.
- 5). View the fields that Acrobat has automatically generated in the "Fields" section on the right side of the screen. Each field has a name; for example, the place where you want someone to type in an address has the field name "Address." Scroll through the fields to determine if any fields should be added, removed or altered.
- 6). Double-click on a field name on your form or in the "Fields" section, then type in a new name if it needs to be changed. You can also change the location of certain fields by clicking and dragging them above or below other fields.
- 7). Add text fields, if needed, by clicking the "Text" box from the top menu bar and dragging the text box onto the document. When you place the box on the form, a popup window appears, allowing you to give the text field a name.
- 8). Click "Close Form Editing" from the right-hand menu when you've completed your form.