How Peanut Became a "Good Dog"
Sit Stay Fetch Customer Review I had a problem.
An 8 year old son with a fatal attraction to an unruly 4 month old pup.
Only two solutions came to mind.
Break my sons heart, or train the dog.
I voted for train the dog.
Ha Ha.
The laugh was on me.
I started where I always start when I want to learn, I bought books, and lots of them.
Before you waste one more dime on any dog training books or classes please read this article.
As I said, I bought book after book and none helped.
I even took Peanut (my sons dog) to a professional trainer, at the price tag of $55 per lesson.
No Red Lobster dinner that week.
It didn't work either.
After Peanut seemed comfortable with Bill (the trainer) his muzzle was removed and the training began.
My "good dog" lasted about 83 seconds then he bit Bill on the calf.
Needless to say, that was the end of that big fun.
After all the money spent on books and professional training, I like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert in the "what doesn't work" of the dog training field.
The whole family hasgrown fond of Peanut and I didn't want to find a new home for him, but he was destroying my house and being pregnant, I couldn't take a chance he would hurt the new baby.
Just when my brain was over riding my guilt, a good friend recommended "Sit, Stay Fetch" by Daniel Stevens.
She said after sticking with the program and working with her rover everyday for about 2 weeks, she noticed her incorrigible mutt became almost an obedient good dog.
Not a perfect dog mind you, but a good dog.
I was very excited.
If I could just get Peanut to quit being a "bad dog" all the time I would be halfway home free.
The poor fella thinks his name is "bad dog" half the time.
The book also came with a No-Risk 3 Month Instant Money-Back Guarantee, with that in mind, I figured I would try one last lousy book.
Boy, was I surprised.
From the moment I opened the ebook I noticed it was like no other.
The first thing I noticed was how big it was.
Over 125 pages which is a combination of several booklets he wrote: Solving Dog Problems, Aggression, Rescued Dog, Separation Anxiety, House Training, and Good Dog! It's also available as a physical book.
Lots of color pictures, very unlike some of the bogus books I had wasted my money on that didn't help one bit.
I dug right in and read a quarter of the book in one night.
I started putting the techniques to use with my dog immediately.
I'll admit I was a bit disappointed at first because Peanut didn't magically transform into the paper butler after one lesson.
(What can I say, I amimpatient)My dog in shining armor did not appeared but what didhappen was even better.
After four days, Peanut started to respond.
After three weeks, he was almost like a totally different dog.
I wish I could have started working with him like this sooner.
To make make a long story short, if you own a dog or puppy, you need this book.
This information basically covers all three categories of training your dog: fixing dog problems, tips and secrets to use in your everyday training, and buying and raising a new puppy or older dog.
My dog problems are minimal now after four months of using Mr.
Stevens techniques.
He comprehensively cover all facets of dog obedience training, and the book is written for young and old dog & includes extras such as dog grooming, security training, house training and a free email consultation.
Sit,Stay,Fetch covers everything you need to know about how to solve virtually any dog problem, step-by-step, and it includes over 100 step-by-step photos to aid your understanding.
I like to see how things work, it helps me comprehend better.
This book is not just another online downloadable dog training product.
95% of SitStayFetch's customers subscribe to the weekly newsletter, including me.
The SitStayFetch product is extremely comprehensive covering puppy house training, aggressiveness, jumping, separations anxiety, barking, coprophagia (dog's eating dog poop), and everything in between.
Thebookis easy to navigate and extremely informative.
Everything you need to train you dog is here.
Sit, Stay, Fetch Dog Training Highlights > Free Weekly e letter > Free email Consultation > Gift Certificates > Downloadable Product > 4 Bonuses With Order > No-Risk 3 Month Instant Money-Back Guarantee I particularly liked his sections on separation anxiety, overcoming aggression, and rescue dogs.
Throughout, her compassion for dogs AND owners and her extensive experience with all kinds of dogs shine through.
This is useful to owners who want to deal more effectively with behaviors of their dogs, as well as to people who do rescue work or training.
Do you have a generally disobedient dog? Does your dog embarrass you in public? Are you sick of excessive biting, barking, whining, etc? Are you sick of dealing with dog aggression issues? Do you want to know how to fix virtually any dog behavior problem? Or, perhaps you just want the best relationship that you can possibly have with your dog...
Don't be embarrassed, I answered yes to all the above! And I found hope in a desperate situation and so can you.
An 8 year old son with a fatal attraction to an unruly 4 month old pup.
Only two solutions came to mind.
Break my sons heart, or train the dog.
I voted for train the dog.
Ha Ha.
The laugh was on me.
I started where I always start when I want to learn, I bought books, and lots of them.
Before you waste one more dime on any dog training books or classes please read this article.
As I said, I bought book after book and none helped.
I even took Peanut (my sons dog) to a professional trainer, at the price tag of $55 per lesson.
No Red Lobster dinner that week.
It didn't work either.
After Peanut seemed comfortable with Bill (the trainer) his muzzle was removed and the training began.
My "good dog" lasted about 83 seconds then he bit Bill on the calf.
Needless to say, that was the end of that big fun.
After all the money spent on books and professional training, I like to think of myself as somewhat of an expert in the "what doesn't work" of the dog training field.
The whole family hasgrown fond of Peanut and I didn't want to find a new home for him, but he was destroying my house and being pregnant, I couldn't take a chance he would hurt the new baby.
Just when my brain was over riding my guilt, a good friend recommended "Sit, Stay Fetch" by Daniel Stevens.
She said after sticking with the program and working with her rover everyday for about 2 weeks, she noticed her incorrigible mutt became almost an obedient good dog.
Not a perfect dog mind you, but a good dog.
I was very excited.
If I could just get Peanut to quit being a "bad dog" all the time I would be halfway home free.
The poor fella thinks his name is "bad dog" half the time.
The book also came with a No-Risk 3 Month Instant Money-Back Guarantee, with that in mind, I figured I would try one last lousy book.
Boy, was I surprised.
From the moment I opened the ebook I noticed it was like no other.
The first thing I noticed was how big it was.
Over 125 pages which is a combination of several booklets he wrote: Solving Dog Problems, Aggression, Rescued Dog, Separation Anxiety, House Training, and Good Dog! It's also available as a physical book.
Lots of color pictures, very unlike some of the bogus books I had wasted my money on that didn't help one bit.
I dug right in and read a quarter of the book in one night.
I started putting the techniques to use with my dog immediately.
I'll admit I was a bit disappointed at first because Peanut didn't magically transform into the paper butler after one lesson.
(What can I say, I amimpatient)My dog in shining armor did not appeared but what didhappen was even better.
After four days, Peanut started to respond.
After three weeks, he was almost like a totally different dog.
I wish I could have started working with him like this sooner.
To make make a long story short, if you own a dog or puppy, you need this book.
This information basically covers all three categories of training your dog: fixing dog problems, tips and secrets to use in your everyday training, and buying and raising a new puppy or older dog.
My dog problems are minimal now after four months of using Mr.
Stevens techniques.
He comprehensively cover all facets of dog obedience training, and the book is written for young and old dog & includes extras such as dog grooming, security training, house training and a free email consultation.
Sit,Stay,Fetch covers everything you need to know about how to solve virtually any dog problem, step-by-step, and it includes over 100 step-by-step photos to aid your understanding.
I like to see how things work, it helps me comprehend better.
This book is not just another online downloadable dog training product.
95% of SitStayFetch's customers subscribe to the weekly newsletter, including me.
The SitStayFetch product is extremely comprehensive covering puppy house training, aggressiveness, jumping, separations anxiety, barking, coprophagia (dog's eating dog poop), and everything in between.
Thebookis easy to navigate and extremely informative.
Everything you need to train you dog is here.
Sit, Stay, Fetch Dog Training Highlights > Free Weekly e letter > Free email Consultation > Gift Certificates > Downloadable Product > 4 Bonuses With Order > No-Risk 3 Month Instant Money-Back Guarantee I particularly liked his sections on separation anxiety, overcoming aggression, and rescue dogs.
Throughout, her compassion for dogs AND owners and her extensive experience with all kinds of dogs shine through.
This is useful to owners who want to deal more effectively with behaviors of their dogs, as well as to people who do rescue work or training.
Do you have a generally disobedient dog? Does your dog embarrass you in public? Are you sick of excessive biting, barking, whining, etc? Are you sick of dealing with dog aggression issues? Do you want to know how to fix virtually any dog behavior problem? Or, perhaps you just want the best relationship that you can possibly have with your dog...
Don't be embarrassed, I answered yes to all the above! And I found hope in a desperate situation and so can you.