Florida Medicaid Waiver Eligibilty Rules
- Medicaid allows low-income families to have access to healthcare.needle image by Zbigniew Nowak from Fotolia.com
Medicaid is a national health care program. It offers coverage to those with lower incomes, including individuals and families. The federal government shares the cost with the state to make it affordable for the state. Eligibility for Florida Medicaid is determined by the Department of Children and Families or the Social Security Administration. - If you are disabled and/or a senior that qualifies for and receives Supplemental Security Income, you are eligible for Medicaid in Florida. You are exempt from having to fill out an application unless you need additional services.
- Pregnancy Medicaid is offered to pregnant women without health care. It also extends to the post-partum care, typically up to two months. Pregnant women can also apply for additional programs, such as food stamps, while they are pregnant. This type of Medicaid typically is applied and granted through the state Department of Children and Families.
- Children are eligible for Medicaid if they are under 19 years-of-age and the family makes less than the amount set by the state Department of Children and Families for a family of their size. Many times a parent may have health care through an employer but cannot afford the children's health care.
- A family with children is considered low income by the Florida Department of Children and Families if a family with more than two children makes less than $1215 a month. They are eligible for Medicaid for the whole family. These amounts change from year to year and with the size of the family.
Disabled and Seniors
Pregnancy Medicaid
Families with Children