How to Replace a Swiss Army Battery
- 1). Set the watch face down on a flat rubber surface. This will keep the watch firmly in place and will protect it from being scratched on a more hazardous surface.
- 2). Use a pair of needle-nosed pliers to pull the points just far enough apart so that each point can be pushed into each of the two notches on the back of the watch.
- 3). Keeping the pliers pushed into each notch, turn counterclockwise to begin removing the back of the watch. Once it has been loosened, finish removing it by hand.
- 4). The battery will be the only part inside of the watch that is not directly connected. Make a mental note of the battery's position and then remove it.
- 5). Insert the replacement battery into the same spot where the original battery was located.
- 6). Use the needle-nosed pliers to screw on the back of the watch in the same fashion you did in Steps 2 and 3, except this time turn clockwise.