Completely Removing a Trojan. Wimad Virus
- While there is a manual method to removing Wimad, it requires extensive computer knowledge. The quickest and most practical way to remove Wimad is to use a malware scanning and removal program. While typical anti virus software is usually capable of detecting trojans, many anti virus programs are not effective at completely removing them. A few examples of free programs that are capable of completely eliminating Trojan.Wimad are summarized below.
- CNET's editor's choice for April 2009, Anti-Malware by Malwarebytes is one of the most effective free malware and trojan removers. While many computer protection programs can take hours to scan a computer, Anti-Malware can complete a scan in 8 to 9 minutes using the program's quick scan option. Download the program using the link in the Resources section below, and after a quick install and scan, Trojan.Wimad can be completely removed. Once removal has finished, be sure to restart your computer to be sure there are no Wimad traces left on your computer.
- Emsi Software's A-squared Free malware removal program earned four and a half out of five stars from CNET's editors, and is another effective choice for removing trojans. A-squared is generally slower than Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, but features a useful knowledge base with information about certain computer threats and also includes a quarantine option to be sure that the causes of trojan attacks as well as already infected files do not attack other files as well. Download the program using the link in Resources, install it, update the program and restart your computer, and this helpful program will be ready to go, helping to effectively remove Trojan.Wimad and any other malware threats that may currently exist on your computer.
Trojan Removal Software
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
A-squared Free