How to Change a Friend Into a Boyfriend
- 1). Make sure that you are happy with yourself first and foremost. This happiness will be like a magnet. People naturally want to gravitate towards a happy, positive personality. Letting yourself shine is a great way to have a man take notice of your beauty and ignite a desire to be near you to share that happiness.
- 2). Take a moment to clearly evaluate your desire to change this friendship into something more. Make sure that the motivation is genuinely to build a relationship with that person and not out of loneliness or convenience. The worst thing you could do is jeopardize a great friendship because of a fleeting thought or weakness.
- 3). Don't change yourself. Your friendship is based on a mutual respect for each other and if you want it to grow into a romantic relationship, you should keep your foundation strong.
- 4). Slowly increase the amount of time you spend together. Think of fun, creative ways for the two of you to occupy your time. Laughter always makes for a good setting and brings positive energy into the situation.
- 5). Change the situations to where you could easily get physically closer to him without seeming too obvious. This way you can get close to him safely and comfortably, while testing for his response. This is still treading in safe water for easy retraction if the situation doesn't unfold the way you want.
- 6). Be prepared that sometimes men just don't pick up on the subtler hints that women throw out there. Don't get discouraged too quickly, just keep trying different approaches and pay attention to any responses to your subtle advances.
- 7). Close your eyes and envision how you would like this situation to go. Envision the scenario turning out how you want, and envision the scenario if it goes the other direction. This way, you can plan how you would react to either scenario without being caught completely off guard. Granted, things usually don't turn out exactly the way we plan them, but at least it is good to be mentally prepared for this outcome.
- 8). Stop wasting time and energy worrying about it. It's time to tell him how you really feel. This is the hardest and riskiest part, but necessary. Be prepared for it to go either way but, always remain hopeful. Your friendship should be able to handle this kind of honesty and should have the ability for good communication.