Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheat - Super Long Pursuits All Versions
NFS MW Puruit Trick
This hint was submitted by Ari Racz and will work in all versions of Need For Speed Most Wanted, I have personally tested it on the Xbox 360 version.
While in a pursuit, go to the bus station. Go through the glass, there are two ramps on each side of the station. Slowly go up one of the ramps, I prefer the one with the row of buses, and stop your car on top of either the row of buses or the roof.
I use the buses, the police are a bit more weary of climbing up there. While you're up above them, they drive around trying to get to you, but they can't!
Note: You may need to push the occasional police cruiser off if it finds out how to get to you.
Additional notes on this cheat:
To add to what Ari is explaining here, I just want to say that this is a great way to gain those super long pursuits, like the 30 minute ones. Also, if you wait to do this trick until you are at a heat level 3 or 4 it will be more effective, since the cops will be more aggressive in getting to you. By doing this you can rack up damage to the state really quickly since the police cruisers will damage each other trying to get to you.
More Need For Speed Cheats
As stated, this works on all versions of Need For Speed Most Wanted, more cheats and tips can be found on the respective Most Wanted cheat pages listed below. Or, you can look at the Need For Speed cheats index - this has cheat codes for all of the Need For Speed video games ever created.
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - Xbox 360
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - Xbox
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - PS2
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - PC
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - Nintendo DS
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - Gamecube
- Need For Speed Most Wanted Cheats - Busted Glitch
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