The Step by Step Entrepreneur
The first step in mastering unemployment is getting out of bed.
You've mastered that, as evidenced by the fact that you're here.
The next step is staying motivated on a positive path forward.
It helps to make a list of things you can do well and that you enjoy.
Get clear on what it is that you can accomplish now that you have the time to improve your skills and your personal growth.
Look at this "time-off" as an opportunity to discover your true potential, build potential into usable skills and move forward in your life.
Internet Marketing is an explosive field in which to gain knowledge, learn new skills and progress, perhaps even into your own business.
I decided to do this, and the following information is the path I followed.
The resources I'm listing have all been experienced by me.
If I did not find them valuable, they would not be on this list.
As time progresses, you will see more information on each resource as I spend more time with it.
First Steps of a Newbie Online Marketer: I started this process with absolutely no knowledge about online marketing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Here's a simple list of things I initially stumbled through to get here: 1.
Everyone who is successful knows that CONTENT comes first.
What does content mean? It's essentially the words you write in a blog or on your website or in an article to promote your website and the manner in which you do so.
Jack Humphrey and Dean Hunt of Buzzprofits have good information about content as well as Yaro Starak and others.
This is where I started and received invaluable information that lead to more resources.
Content also involves finding your own niche in which to market a product as well as finding the product itself.
This is a process in and of itself.
There is a universe of online marketing products available through affiliate marketing.
This is where you get a commission on a product, such as an e-book (a book that is down-loadable from the Internet), that is produced by someone else.
You are the merchant, or person selling the product, and the producer of the product is the affiliate.
ClickBank is the master resource for finding products.
Do a bit of research to assure you're comfortable with the product.
There are websites that give a review on the product and author and whether it's a scam or an integrity product.
Google the author's name, and that often brings up reviews.
Developing your own product and "squeeze page" (a website that sells a product) naturally involves more of your time, of course, but you may be able to find that unique niche that works best for you.
Develop your website, if that is what is required, to implement your product or idea.
Some Clickbank products do not require that you have your own site.
Rather, you rely on tweets and other social media links to take people to the product author's site.
If you choose to develop your own website or blog site, here are some invaluable resources: Dean Hunt of BuzzProfits for content building and overall guidance.
The team at BuzzProfits helped me immeasurably! They're the good guys.
Bluehost for website hosting gives great service with very reasonable monthly hosting charges (as little as $6.
95 a month), and be absolutely certain to use WordPress for your website software application.
It's available through Bluehost, so start there.
Developing a website is an entire subject in and of itself.
Another resource that helped me get going is Caroline Middlebrook's video series.
She is truly a wealth of valuable information.
Once you have a website and/or a product affiliate, the the real work and the exciting work starts - building traffic.
This is called online marketing.
I suggest, to avoid overwhelm, pick one place and specialize in the beginning.
Then move on to develop other resources, one at a time.
For example, Twitter is a good place to start.
I found Bill Crosby's tutorial series absolutely incredible! It was easy.
He kept it very simple without talking down to you.
Unfortunately, he has stopped marketing it, but there are many other free products you can use to start building a Twitter following.
Mari Smith is a specialist in Facebook.
I have her materials but have not had time to completely implement them.
I was too overwhelmed to start with her, but now that I have figured out the steps above, I am now ready to tackle Facebook.
Caroline Middlebrook works with StumbleUpon as well as other methods.
Her video series about building traffic, Traffic Rush, is very good as well.
Pot Pie Girl was a stay at home mom who started an online business and is now an expert on Squidoo and affiliate marketing.
I have not had time yet to fully explore this, but I am very impressed with Jennifer, Pot Pie Girl, and her dedication to helping people.
I will be implementing this as well and will write about it more fully then.
All of the above will keep you more than busy for a while.
The trick is to take action.
The sooner you publish somewhere, the sooner you will see positive outcomes.
Everyday, work for at least 2 hours, more if possible, to get started.
If you follow the steps above, you will learn on-the-go and make money.
Last and certainly not least - this is not for the faint of heart.
It's important to keep your motivation high and know that all income requires work.
I love Pot Pie Girl's saying, "If you can do for a year what others won't, you can do for a lifetime what others can't.
" In other words, if you want to live the dream, you need to affirm every day that you can achieve it by taking action.
Beyond the Marketing: This last comment leads to the more important process of self-motivation and personal growth.
Every morning I dedicate at least 45 minutes to an hour meditating.
This exercise, for those who do not follow Eastern thought, is still valuable due to learning how to quiet your mind, relieve stress, clear-out negative, renegade thoughts and focus.
If you've never mediated before, or if you're just not ready to do so, instead there are multiple books that have helped me: Activating the Secret Power of the Gospels: The Hidden Parables by Todd Michael A Guide for the Advanced Soul: A Book of Insight by Susan Hayward The Secret by Rhonda Byrne There are a host of other books with supportive and inspirational content.
These are a place to start.
I will be reviewing each book in Ezine articles soon.
I do hope these few steps get you started on a path to improve your life and open it to abundant success and joy.
No matter what others say, you alone know the right thing to do for yourself.
Do it.
You've mastered that, as evidenced by the fact that you're here.
The next step is staying motivated on a positive path forward.
It helps to make a list of things you can do well and that you enjoy.
Get clear on what it is that you can accomplish now that you have the time to improve your skills and your personal growth.
Look at this "time-off" as an opportunity to discover your true potential, build potential into usable skills and move forward in your life.
Internet Marketing is an explosive field in which to gain knowledge, learn new skills and progress, perhaps even into your own business.
I decided to do this, and the following information is the path I followed.
The resources I'm listing have all been experienced by me.
If I did not find them valuable, they would not be on this list.
As time progresses, you will see more information on each resource as I spend more time with it.
First Steps of a Newbie Online Marketer: I started this process with absolutely no knowledge about online marketing or SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Here's a simple list of things I initially stumbled through to get here: 1.
Everyone who is successful knows that CONTENT comes first.
What does content mean? It's essentially the words you write in a blog or on your website or in an article to promote your website and the manner in which you do so.
Jack Humphrey and Dean Hunt of Buzzprofits have good information about content as well as Yaro Starak and others.
This is where I started and received invaluable information that lead to more resources.
Content also involves finding your own niche in which to market a product as well as finding the product itself.
This is a process in and of itself.
There is a universe of online marketing products available through affiliate marketing.
This is where you get a commission on a product, such as an e-book (a book that is down-loadable from the Internet), that is produced by someone else.
You are the merchant, or person selling the product, and the producer of the product is the affiliate.
ClickBank is the master resource for finding products.
Do a bit of research to assure you're comfortable with the product.
There are websites that give a review on the product and author and whether it's a scam or an integrity product.
Google the author's name, and that often brings up reviews.
Developing your own product and "squeeze page" (a website that sells a product) naturally involves more of your time, of course, but you may be able to find that unique niche that works best for you.
Develop your website, if that is what is required, to implement your product or idea.
Some Clickbank products do not require that you have your own site.
Rather, you rely on tweets and other social media links to take people to the product author's site.
If you choose to develop your own website or blog site, here are some invaluable resources: Dean Hunt of BuzzProfits for content building and overall guidance.
The team at BuzzProfits helped me immeasurably! They're the good guys.
Bluehost for website hosting gives great service with very reasonable monthly hosting charges (as little as $6.
95 a month), and be absolutely certain to use WordPress for your website software application.
It's available through Bluehost, so start there.
Developing a website is an entire subject in and of itself.
Another resource that helped me get going is Caroline Middlebrook's video series.
She is truly a wealth of valuable information.
Once you have a website and/or a product affiliate, the the real work and the exciting work starts - building traffic.
This is called online marketing.
I suggest, to avoid overwhelm, pick one place and specialize in the beginning.
Then move on to develop other resources, one at a time.
For example, Twitter is a good place to start.
I found Bill Crosby's tutorial series absolutely incredible! It was easy.
He kept it very simple without talking down to you.
Unfortunately, he has stopped marketing it, but there are many other free products you can use to start building a Twitter following.
Mari Smith is a specialist in Facebook.
I have her materials but have not had time to completely implement them.
I was too overwhelmed to start with her, but now that I have figured out the steps above, I am now ready to tackle Facebook.
Caroline Middlebrook works with StumbleUpon as well as other methods.
Her video series about building traffic, Traffic Rush, is very good as well.
Pot Pie Girl was a stay at home mom who started an online business and is now an expert on Squidoo and affiliate marketing.
I have not had time yet to fully explore this, but I am very impressed with Jennifer, Pot Pie Girl, and her dedication to helping people.
I will be implementing this as well and will write about it more fully then.
All of the above will keep you more than busy for a while.
The trick is to take action.
The sooner you publish somewhere, the sooner you will see positive outcomes.
Everyday, work for at least 2 hours, more if possible, to get started.
If you follow the steps above, you will learn on-the-go and make money.
Last and certainly not least - this is not for the faint of heart.
It's important to keep your motivation high and know that all income requires work.
I love Pot Pie Girl's saying, "If you can do for a year what others won't, you can do for a lifetime what others can't.
" In other words, if you want to live the dream, you need to affirm every day that you can achieve it by taking action.
Beyond the Marketing: This last comment leads to the more important process of self-motivation and personal growth.
Every morning I dedicate at least 45 minutes to an hour meditating.
This exercise, for those who do not follow Eastern thought, is still valuable due to learning how to quiet your mind, relieve stress, clear-out negative, renegade thoughts and focus.
If you've never mediated before, or if you're just not ready to do so, instead there are multiple books that have helped me: Activating the Secret Power of the Gospels: The Hidden Parables by Todd Michael A Guide for the Advanced Soul: A Book of Insight by Susan Hayward The Secret by Rhonda Byrne There are a host of other books with supportive and inspirational content.
These are a place to start.
I will be reviewing each book in Ezine articles soon.
I do hope these few steps get you started on a path to improve your life and open it to abundant success and joy.
No matter what others say, you alone know the right thing to do for yourself.
Do it.