Names of Yellow Night Blooming Plants
- The Yellow Evening Primrose blooms at night.Dissolved bud of the yellow Of oenothera. The closeup. image by Alexandr Potapov from
Creating a garden for evening enjoyment can be a relaxing and rewarding endeavor. Part of the reward is in being able to witness the opening of flowers that blossom at night, outside of the domain of the day gardener. Yellow flowers are particularly appealing during the evening hours, as their brilliant color and intensity takes on a new aspect in the dim light. - Yellow Evening Primrose (Oenothera missouriensis), also known as Ozark Sundrop, opens with sweetly scented lemon-yellow flowers in the late afternoon or early evening hours. Each blossom is approximately 5 inches in diameter and lasts only one night. Yellow Evening Primrose is a sprawling, herbaceous perennial with stems that grow 10 to 20 inches long. Its trailing habit makes it good for planting near rocks and retaining walls. It does best in full sun to partial shade in well-drained soil.
- Yellow Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia) bears large, showy, yellow blossoms that grow up to 15 inches in length. The flowers are notably fragrant, particularly in the evening hours. Yellow Angel's Trumpet grows to a height of 6 to 15 feet. It produces a large number of blossoms at a time making it an impressive addition to any garden. It is a fairly easy plant to grow despite its showy nature and does best in full sun and a well-drained soil. It is often planted as a container plant for decks and patios.
- Night Gladiolus (Gladiolus tristis) blooms from March to April with creamy-yellow flowers that have a pronounced fragrance during the evening hours. It grows to a height of 2 feet and has thin, spiraling leaves that are approximately ¼ inch in diameter. Night Gladiolus grows best in a well-drained potting medium in full sun. According to "The Evening Garden: Flowers and Fragrance from Dusk to Dawn," allow the corms of the plant--the thick underground stems--to dry out after the flowers and leaves fade and wait at least three months before bringing them into bloom again.
- Perfumed Fairy Lily (Childanthus fragrans), sometimes referred to as Delicate Lily, blooms with three to four yellow, funnel-shaped flowers that are especially fragrant at night. The flowers are approximately 4 inches in length and grow in clusters on a stem that reaches a height of 10 to 12 inches. Perfumed Fairy Lily bulbs should be planted when the ground thaws in the spring at a depth of 1 inch. They do best in fertile, moist soil and come to bloom in the summer.
Yellow Evening Primrose
Yellow Angel's Trumpet
Night Gladiolus
Perfumed Fairy Lily