How to Be an Entrepreneur
You want to know how to be an entrepreneur?
In this post, we'll talk about some fundamentals of how to be an entrepreneur, and how to start a business.
After you have made the commitment to starting a businesss, the next step is learning how to be an entrepreneur, and actually starting a business! A lot of people get hung up on this part. The hardest part of business for most people is just getting started. The reason its hard to get started varies. You may not know what business to start. What if you can't think of any good ideas? Are you afraid of failure?
Most Business owners, don't know how to be an entrepreneur!
Luckily, there is a big difference between an entrepreneur and the typical business owner. If you can grasp this difference, your chances of starting and running a successful business will greatly increase.
Some business owners are entrepreneurs, but most are not, a good metaphor: All Lions are cats, but not all cats are lions. The biggest difference between a business owner and an entrepreneur is business owners work inside of their business. Entrepreneurs are different because they work ON their businesses, not inside of their business.
For example. Ray Kroc - Mcdonalds. Ask yourself this question. Did Ray Kroc flip burgers, and make customers coffee? No.
Ray Kroc worked on building his business. He created a system, and hired empoloyees to run the system. Ray Kroc was a true entrepreneur. Even though Ray Kroc has passed away, his business still lives on.
What about a local mom and pop store? Maybe it's a bakery, or a coffee shop, or a mechanic. If the owners of these businesses passed away, would the business run on its own? If a typical business owner owned it, probably not. If you took the mom & pop out, and put the entrepreneur in charge, within a couple months, maybe a year or two or even 3, the business would have a system, allowing the owner to retire.
An entrepreneur can leave his business and do nothing for an entire month, and still get paid. A typical business owner can't do that because his/her business relies on them.
In fact, most business owners are not even business owners. Most people who €own their own business€ actually just own a job. I have met a lot of people, that left their job with good benefits to start their own business, only to end up working more hours, for less money, no benefits, and now they don't even have a retirement account.
The secret to a successful business is to build a system!
So now we know the basic concept of how to be an entrepreneur, and not just own a job.
Now we get to start a business!! The only way to really learn it, is to do it!
(keep in mind that you need to decide if you are willing to give the blood sweat, tears and long hours required in the beginning.) If your not willing to give it 100%, don't even bother trying.
There are many different kinds of businesses to start. So Which one is right for you? There is a lot to think about on this subject, but I'll bring up one point. If you really are an entrepreneur, then this is true.
How you run your business is more important than what your business is. A perfect example is Sir Richard Branson. He is an entrepreneur, and a Multi-Billionaire. He owns approximately 400 different companies including Virgin Airlines, Virgin Mobile, and Virgin Gaming.
See how Airlines, Mobile phones and Gaming have very little if anything in common? Thats because what you do isn't as important as how you do it. One of the best ways to learn how to be an entrepreneur, is to look at the most successful business people you can find. Research what they did, and how they did it.
Sir Richard Branson really is one of the most inspirational entrepreneurs I know of. He basically realized early on, that if he could run one company, he could run ANY company.
Take action! Start your business today.
If you are good with people, and always keep learning, then you'll be an amazing entrepreneur.
In this post, we'll talk about some fundamentals of how to be an entrepreneur, and how to start a business.
After you have made the commitment to starting a businesss, the next step is learning how to be an entrepreneur, and actually starting a business! A lot of people get hung up on this part. The hardest part of business for most people is just getting started. The reason its hard to get started varies. You may not know what business to start. What if you can't think of any good ideas? Are you afraid of failure?
Most Business owners, don't know how to be an entrepreneur!
Luckily, there is a big difference between an entrepreneur and the typical business owner. If you can grasp this difference, your chances of starting and running a successful business will greatly increase.
Some business owners are entrepreneurs, but most are not, a good metaphor: All Lions are cats, but not all cats are lions. The biggest difference between a business owner and an entrepreneur is business owners work inside of their business. Entrepreneurs are different because they work ON their businesses, not inside of their business.
For example. Ray Kroc - Mcdonalds. Ask yourself this question. Did Ray Kroc flip burgers, and make customers coffee? No.
Ray Kroc worked on building his business. He created a system, and hired empoloyees to run the system. Ray Kroc was a true entrepreneur. Even though Ray Kroc has passed away, his business still lives on.
What about a local mom and pop store? Maybe it's a bakery, or a coffee shop, or a mechanic. If the owners of these businesses passed away, would the business run on its own? If a typical business owner owned it, probably not. If you took the mom & pop out, and put the entrepreneur in charge, within a couple months, maybe a year or two or even 3, the business would have a system, allowing the owner to retire.
An entrepreneur can leave his business and do nothing for an entire month, and still get paid. A typical business owner can't do that because his/her business relies on them.
In fact, most business owners are not even business owners. Most people who €own their own business€ actually just own a job. I have met a lot of people, that left their job with good benefits to start their own business, only to end up working more hours, for less money, no benefits, and now they don't even have a retirement account.
The secret to a successful business is to build a system!
So now we know the basic concept of how to be an entrepreneur, and not just own a job.
Now we get to start a business!! The only way to really learn it, is to do it!
(keep in mind that you need to decide if you are willing to give the blood sweat, tears and long hours required in the beginning.) If your not willing to give it 100%, don't even bother trying.
There are many different kinds of businesses to start. So Which one is right for you? There is a lot to think about on this subject, but I'll bring up one point. If you really are an entrepreneur, then this is true.
How you run your business is more important than what your business is. A perfect example is Sir Richard Branson. He is an entrepreneur, and a Multi-Billionaire. He owns approximately 400 different companies including Virgin Airlines, Virgin Mobile, and Virgin Gaming.
See how Airlines, Mobile phones and Gaming have very little if anything in common? Thats because what you do isn't as important as how you do it. One of the best ways to learn how to be an entrepreneur, is to look at the most successful business people you can find. Research what they did, and how they did it.
Sir Richard Branson really is one of the most inspirational entrepreneurs I know of. He basically realized early on, that if he could run one company, he could run ANY company.
Take action! Start your business today.
If you are good with people, and always keep learning, then you'll be an amazing entrepreneur.