If You Want to Make a Ridiculous Amount of Money Online, Learn From Kobe & the Lakers
We can all learn a lot from the Lakers winning their 15th Championship today.
After the Lakers lost to the Celtics in last year's finals, Kobe Bryant said that they took that as a learning experience, then set a goal of improving their defense and focused their energy all year to capture this years finals.
Those of you who have tried before to make money online without any success can and should draw from these Lakers.
No one on their first try just gets into marketing online and instantly makes a fortune overnight.
It takes commitment, working smart, having a the right mentor(s), good product, making mistakes and overall experience before one can see the results you set for yourself.
To make money online many people think you can just "buy a website" and then all of sudden business just start pouring in.
You know that to be a scientist, a doctor, a construction worker, an engineer, and a teacher, there are steps and formal education/training one must take before you can be successful in these professions.
It doesn't just happen overnight.
While some people make little or no money online in the beginning, the key is to learn from those experiences (mistakes) or even better to try and minimize those mistakes.
Those who do end up making more money in a month than most people make in a year.
Here's why..
Firstly, to make money online you must first have passion for the company products and/or service of any Internet business from which you expect to make money.
If you don't believe in your product, company or service, you will not have the drive and commitment to build your business online.
Secondly, one should have a strong commitment to marketing.
You cannot just have a marketing campaign for a month or two and expect such a large number of sales.
In fact not only should you market for a long period of time but you should have at least 3 to 4 different marketing campaigns going.
Thirdly, to have a successful business online, you should have a good website.
You must have your squeeze page up (also called your landing page).
It is also a great idea to have audio and videos on your site to increase your conversion rates.
Before getting into internet marketing, you must really consider what your goals are.
Everyone has a different set.
Identify yours (both short term and long term).
That way, all the steps above will come easy for you and you'll quickly see some astounding financial results.
Going back to my Lakers analogy, look how passionate Kobe Bryant and his teammates were all year.
Even after defeat last year, they used that to further enrage their Passion for winning a championship!Everyone should have this kind of passion to make a better life for themselves and their families.
After the Lakers lost to the Celtics in last year's finals, Kobe Bryant said that they took that as a learning experience, then set a goal of improving their defense and focused their energy all year to capture this years finals.
Those of you who have tried before to make money online without any success can and should draw from these Lakers.
No one on their first try just gets into marketing online and instantly makes a fortune overnight.
It takes commitment, working smart, having a the right mentor(s), good product, making mistakes and overall experience before one can see the results you set for yourself.
To make money online many people think you can just "buy a website" and then all of sudden business just start pouring in.
You know that to be a scientist, a doctor, a construction worker, an engineer, and a teacher, there are steps and formal education/training one must take before you can be successful in these professions.
It doesn't just happen overnight.
While some people make little or no money online in the beginning, the key is to learn from those experiences (mistakes) or even better to try and minimize those mistakes.
Those who do end up making more money in a month than most people make in a year.
Here's why..
Firstly, to make money online you must first have passion for the company products and/or service of any Internet business from which you expect to make money.
If you don't believe in your product, company or service, you will not have the drive and commitment to build your business online.
Secondly, one should have a strong commitment to marketing.
You cannot just have a marketing campaign for a month or two and expect such a large number of sales.
In fact not only should you market for a long period of time but you should have at least 3 to 4 different marketing campaigns going.
Thirdly, to have a successful business online, you should have a good website.
You must have your squeeze page up (also called your landing page).
It is also a great idea to have audio and videos on your site to increase your conversion rates.
Before getting into internet marketing, you must really consider what your goals are.
Everyone has a different set.
Identify yours (both short term and long term).
That way, all the steps above will come easy for you and you'll quickly see some astounding financial results.
Going back to my Lakers analogy, look how passionate Kobe Bryant and his teammates were all year.
Even after defeat last year, they used that to further enrage their Passion for winning a championship!Everyone should have this kind of passion to make a better life for themselves and their families.