How to Save Oriental Poppy Seed Pods
- 1). Snip the stem of an Oriental poppy from which the petals have dried and fallen off. Use scissors and cut near the main plant, leaving as long a stem as possible. Collect the poppy pods in the late morning or afternoon when there is no dew or moisture on the plant
- 2). Pull off any leaves or side branching stems and discard. Turn the seed pod upside down and shake gently to remove seeds.
- 3). Bunch together four or five of the Oriental poppy stems. Arrange the bunch so none of the seed pods touch each other. Tie the stems together with string.
- 4). Hang the bunch of poppies upside down on a nail or hook placed on a pole or a rafter away from direct sunshine. Ensure the hanging area is dry and has sufficient air circulation to protect from mold.
- 5). Leave the poppy seed pods hanging for two to three months until there is no green color in the stem or pod. Shake out any remaining seeds. Place the dried Oriental poppy seed pods in plastic containers and cover with a tight lid for storage.