What the Top 5% of Income Earners Do in Network Marketing
I'm a big proponent of studying what those who are at the top of the mountain did to get there.
Then, I like to do that thing, because I want to get to the top as well.
For example, if the guy at the top tells me he wore Keds on the way up, I'm not going to go out and buy myself a pair of Reeboks! However, if he tells me he ate 10 steaks a day, well, then, I might just go ask another guy on the mountaintop what HE had for dinner-LOL! Yes, it's true, there are different ways to climb the mountain, but if there is someone who tells me he did something simple, that is, something I CAN DO, then, heck, I'm gonna do it!! This particular strategy involves a particular tool, and I'd like to give those of you who are serious about getting to the top a clue about what that is exactly.
And that tool is: a GIANT-SIZED desk calendar.
I'm requesting that all serious business-builders go to Staples, or Office Depot, or whatever office supply store you can get to, and get the largest, most ginormous desk calendar you can find.
The kind that takes up your entire desktop.
That's right.
I'm talking, BIG! Now, this is what I call a duplicatable task.
It's something we can all do.
But it's also easy NOT to do.
So, which one are YOU gonna do? Do, or not do? It's up to YOU.
This strategy will put us in the top 5% of income earners in this company, and I'd to invite all of you to join the hike to the peak.
Mark down the 7 areas of your life that you want to succeed in.
An example of those are: Spiritual Fun Family Fitness Rank/Position Financial Career And schedule them into your day planner.
That's right, each and every one.
For example, you might want to schedule a date night with your spouse a couple of times this month.
Or a trip to the waterside with your kids for family time.
Or that you want to advance to the next position in your company.
Or you'd like to be making a certain number of dollars by the end of the month.
Statistics show that those that write down their specific goals earn 10 times more money than those that just think about these things.
So get to it, schedule things in, and write them down!
Then, I like to do that thing, because I want to get to the top as well.
For example, if the guy at the top tells me he wore Keds on the way up, I'm not going to go out and buy myself a pair of Reeboks! However, if he tells me he ate 10 steaks a day, well, then, I might just go ask another guy on the mountaintop what HE had for dinner-LOL! Yes, it's true, there are different ways to climb the mountain, but if there is someone who tells me he did something simple, that is, something I CAN DO, then, heck, I'm gonna do it!! This particular strategy involves a particular tool, and I'd like to give those of you who are serious about getting to the top a clue about what that is exactly.
And that tool is: a GIANT-SIZED desk calendar.
I'm requesting that all serious business-builders go to Staples, or Office Depot, or whatever office supply store you can get to, and get the largest, most ginormous desk calendar you can find.
The kind that takes up your entire desktop.
That's right.
I'm talking, BIG! Now, this is what I call a duplicatable task.
It's something we can all do.
But it's also easy NOT to do.
So, which one are YOU gonna do? Do, or not do? It's up to YOU.
This strategy will put us in the top 5% of income earners in this company, and I'd to invite all of you to join the hike to the peak.
Mark down the 7 areas of your life that you want to succeed in.
An example of those are: Spiritual Fun Family Fitness Rank/Position Financial Career And schedule them into your day planner.
That's right, each and every one.
For example, you might want to schedule a date night with your spouse a couple of times this month.
Or a trip to the waterside with your kids for family time.
Or that you want to advance to the next position in your company.
Or you'd like to be making a certain number of dollars by the end of the month.
Statistics show that those that write down their specific goals earn 10 times more money than those that just think about these things.
So get to it, schedule things in, and write them down!