The Benefits of Social E-Commerce
It isn't hard to recognize the success that the social networks have had within the last decade.
That success has opened the doors for something even more explosive, and that is the ability for businesses to bring their brick-and-mortar products and services online in a way never before thought possible.
Social e-Commerce is mixing online shopping with the social networks.
However, not every business is taking advantage of the explosive opportunities that await them in this venue because they aren't sure of the benefits it will provide their businesses.
Here you will discover some of the benefits of social e-Commerce, and how this integration of social media and shopping can take your business to places never before thought possible.
* Product reviews by people you know When it comes to creating a buzz about a product or service, before social media - business owners had to rely on reviews and praises from people that bought the product in the past.
But how does that compare to having someone you know, within your social network, to talk about a specific product you've been interested in purchasing? Social networks will help business owners explode their sales because people like to buy products that people they know are buying.
* Instant purchase notifications Another powerful aspect of social e-Commerce is when a consumer makes a purchase; people within their respective groups will get notified that one of their friends has made a purchase of something they may be interested in as well.
How powerful is that? Even more intriguing is the fact that the friend, that you know, has also recommended their purchase because they feel you may benefit from it as well.
This is social online shopping at its best.
* Consumers are creating marketing content for you Years ago, online marketers would have to test the markets with products and a service to find out exactly what it was people were more attracted to.
Not anymore.
Consumers are creating marketing content needs, and brand owners, like you, have to do nothing more than to provide that content, product, or service.
The content that is being created by consumers is honest, fresh and extremely valuable to their shopping experience.
These are only a few drops out of a barrel full of benefits a business owner can expect when it comes to social e-Commerce.
This is a powerful tool for any business owner, and if you aren't already taking advantage of social networks and online shopping, the time is now.
That success has opened the doors for something even more explosive, and that is the ability for businesses to bring their brick-and-mortar products and services online in a way never before thought possible.
Social e-Commerce is mixing online shopping with the social networks.
However, not every business is taking advantage of the explosive opportunities that await them in this venue because they aren't sure of the benefits it will provide their businesses.
Here you will discover some of the benefits of social e-Commerce, and how this integration of social media and shopping can take your business to places never before thought possible.
* Product reviews by people you know When it comes to creating a buzz about a product or service, before social media - business owners had to rely on reviews and praises from people that bought the product in the past.
But how does that compare to having someone you know, within your social network, to talk about a specific product you've been interested in purchasing? Social networks will help business owners explode their sales because people like to buy products that people they know are buying.
* Instant purchase notifications Another powerful aspect of social e-Commerce is when a consumer makes a purchase; people within their respective groups will get notified that one of their friends has made a purchase of something they may be interested in as well.
How powerful is that? Even more intriguing is the fact that the friend, that you know, has also recommended their purchase because they feel you may benefit from it as well.
This is social online shopping at its best.
* Consumers are creating marketing content for you Years ago, online marketers would have to test the markets with products and a service to find out exactly what it was people were more attracted to.
Not anymore.
Consumers are creating marketing content needs, and brand owners, like you, have to do nothing more than to provide that content, product, or service.
The content that is being created by consumers is honest, fresh and extremely valuable to their shopping experience.
These are only a few drops out of a barrel full of benefits a business owner can expect when it comes to social e-Commerce.
This is a powerful tool for any business owner, and if you aren't already taking advantage of social networks and online shopping, the time is now.