Health Benefits of Summer Squash
- Summer squash are tender-skinned vegetables related both to the cucumber and melon family and to the harder-skinned winter squashes. The most familiar variety is zucchini, but other common types include yellow crookneck, pattypan and cocozelle. Summer squash is low in calories. Many of the nutrients found in summer squash are contained in the skin, so if possible, leave your squashes unpeeled.
- It might surprise you to learn that summer squash is a decent source of vitamin C, but this vitamin is found not only in citrus fruits, but in zucchini and other summer squashes too. Vitamin C helps promote tissue repair, among other functions.
- Summer squash is also high in vitamins B1, B6 and folic acid. B1, also known as thiamine, supports nervous system function, and B6 assists with brain function, helps form red blood cells and aids the immune system. Folic acid, another B-complex vitamin, is recommended to pregnant woman especially, as it can prevent certain spinal birth defects. It also contributes to the heart and circulatory health of adults.
- Summer squash is an excellent source of the mineral potassium, which contributes to cardiovascular health, helps build and maintain muscles, and may reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress.
- Manganese is a mineral essential for healthy bones, and summer squash is one of the best food sources around for it.
- Carrots aren't the only vegetable good for your eyes. Summer squash are a good source of carotenoids, of which beta-carotene is probably the best-known. Other important carotenoids are lycopene and lutein; summer squash is particularly high in the latter. Carotenoids sharpen vision and may help prevent macular degeneration, a leading cause of age-related blindness. Carotenoids also have antioxidant properties and may help slow aging in general.
- Summer squash contain a lot of water, and maintaining hydration is an important foundation for everyday health.
Vitamin C
B Vitamins
High Water Content