Spy Cams & Nanny Cams - 5 Methods to Get Even More From Them
When it comes to home security or office protection, there aren't too many security options that can match the price or reliability that spy cameras and nanny cams deliver on a regular basis.
Wireless spy nanny cams can be a great way to minimize theft, damage and loss while at the same time giving you comfort and peace of mind in knowing that there's a technical watchdog protecting the things and places that matter the most to you.
However, what that doesn't mean is that, once you have actually bought and installed your micro spy nanny cam, that you just sit back, relax, and let the camera do all the work for you.
On the contrary, your part to play has only just begun.
That's because, while spy cams can help maximize the surveillance that your property is subjected to, that doesn't mean that they simply repel any potential burglars and thieves.
Remember, body worn spy cams and other types of small nanny cameras are designed to hide in plain sight - which means that they're going to go unnoticed.
Now, while you don't want to attract any extra or unwanted attention to your spy cam, that doesn't mean that you want to have your home or office appear enticing to criminals either.
Purchasing and having an easy-to-use and reliable spy camera is an important step in your quest to protect your home, family or office as best as you can.
But, while it is a vital step, it isn't the only step that you should take.
There are many different things that you can do to help maximize the safety and security of whatever or wherever it is that you want to protect.
These security ideals don't necessarily deal directly with your spy camera.
Rather, they work in conjunction with the nanny cam that you may already have in place.
(1) Look Like Your Home If you aren't home for the night, don't make your house appear that it's empty - and open for "business.
" Leave some lights on, or purchase a timing system that can turn lights on and off at set intervals to create the illusion that someone is home.
If you have more than one vehicle, park it in the driveway as well.
Plus, there are many different kinds of spy cams that are designed to mimic movement and activity.
(2) Take Care Of Your Property Nanny cams can keep close watch on the outside, but they can't make your home look cared for and attended to.
Trim your bushes, don't let any plants or trees get overgrown.
In addition to being unsightly, a poorly maintained garden can interfere with the operations or the line of sight of any wireless spy cam that you may intend to use.
(3) Keep A List Anything and everything that's important or valuable in your home or office should be documented.
As well, if you do have any locations in your house that are more valuable or expensive than other, then it makes sense to strategically place a spy cam in those areas to ensure maximum protection and surveillance.
(4) Door And Window Safety More often than not, criminals and thugs break and enter into homes through windows and doors.
These entry points are quite vulnerable, and, as such, should be given extra care and protection.
Window bars and deadbolt locks are two simple ideas that you can implement to protect your home or office.
Another strong idea is to ensure that you have a reliable and effective wireless spy cam strategically located and focusing on doors and windows.
(5) Use Common Sense Just be aware of everything that's going on around you.
Pay close attention to your neighborhood and become familiar with, well, the familiar!
Wireless spy nanny cams can be a great way to minimize theft, damage and loss while at the same time giving you comfort and peace of mind in knowing that there's a technical watchdog protecting the things and places that matter the most to you.
However, what that doesn't mean is that, once you have actually bought and installed your micro spy nanny cam, that you just sit back, relax, and let the camera do all the work for you.
On the contrary, your part to play has only just begun.
That's because, while spy cams can help maximize the surveillance that your property is subjected to, that doesn't mean that they simply repel any potential burglars and thieves.
Remember, body worn spy cams and other types of small nanny cameras are designed to hide in plain sight - which means that they're going to go unnoticed.
Now, while you don't want to attract any extra or unwanted attention to your spy cam, that doesn't mean that you want to have your home or office appear enticing to criminals either.
Purchasing and having an easy-to-use and reliable spy camera is an important step in your quest to protect your home, family or office as best as you can.
But, while it is a vital step, it isn't the only step that you should take.
There are many different things that you can do to help maximize the safety and security of whatever or wherever it is that you want to protect.
These security ideals don't necessarily deal directly with your spy camera.
Rather, they work in conjunction with the nanny cam that you may already have in place.
(1) Look Like Your Home If you aren't home for the night, don't make your house appear that it's empty - and open for "business.
" Leave some lights on, or purchase a timing system that can turn lights on and off at set intervals to create the illusion that someone is home.
If you have more than one vehicle, park it in the driveway as well.
Plus, there are many different kinds of spy cams that are designed to mimic movement and activity.
(2) Take Care Of Your Property Nanny cams can keep close watch on the outside, but they can't make your home look cared for and attended to.
Trim your bushes, don't let any plants or trees get overgrown.
In addition to being unsightly, a poorly maintained garden can interfere with the operations or the line of sight of any wireless spy cam that you may intend to use.
(3) Keep A List Anything and everything that's important or valuable in your home or office should be documented.
As well, if you do have any locations in your house that are more valuable or expensive than other, then it makes sense to strategically place a spy cam in those areas to ensure maximum protection and surveillance.
(4) Door And Window Safety More often than not, criminals and thugs break and enter into homes through windows and doors.
These entry points are quite vulnerable, and, as such, should be given extra care and protection.
Window bars and deadbolt locks are two simple ideas that you can implement to protect your home or office.
Another strong idea is to ensure that you have a reliable and effective wireless spy cam strategically located and focusing on doors and windows.
(5) Use Common Sense Just be aware of everything that's going on around you.
Pay close attention to your neighborhood and become familiar with, well, the familiar!