Natural Remedies For Acne Prone Skin
It can be dealing with acne during your teen years or even later on when you have a breakout as an adult. This sort of condition can be extremely embarrassing and problematic and it can actually cause long-term damage to your skin. Nevertheless, here are some powerful tips to reduce your chances of developing an even worse case of acne.
You must have heard of many times about the benefits of tomatoes and cucumber for your face be it eaten or applied on your face. Tomatoes are an antioxidant and help in preventing skin damage. Cucumber is cooling and helps in soothing irritated or inflammed skin. Both of them are good in tightening the pores of the skin just like the icing method.
Try washing your face at least three times a day since this will reduce your number of acne breakouts. Nevertheless, just use your hands to wash your face instead of using a rough cloth. If you over scrub your face, you can actually irritate the skin where the acne is located and this could cause some of the sores to rupture.
The majority of these diets consist of organic and fresh foods, and almost all include drinking large quantities of fruit, vegetables, and water. Some of the foods that are usually avoided in these diets include sugar and high fat foods (especially dairy), fried foods, and refined carbohydrates.
Fenugreek: Prepare paste of fenugreek. It is said that this is an effective way to take care of your acne.
Garlic: Eat 3 seeds of garlic minimum everyday and rub the affected skin with raw garlic as often as you can every day.
Another in the list of natural acne cures is using apple cider vinegar. This acidic solution helps in curing acne by fighting against bacteria, dissolving excess oil from skin pores and also, by maintaining the skin pH. As far as apple cider vinegar acne treatment is concerned, one can add dilute form in the diet or apply directly to skin.
Besides getting plenty of rest and keeping stress and tension at a minimum, if you have acne, protecting your skin from the ravages of the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) rays should also be at the top of your list of priorities. And, contrary to some popular belief, a sunburn that causes peeling skin is not an effective, or even safe, way of treating acne. Exposure to UV rays increases your risk of skin cancer, hastens the aging process, and depletes the skin of much needed moisture.
You must have heard of many times about the benefits of tomatoes and cucumber for your face be it eaten or applied on your face. Tomatoes are an antioxidant and help in preventing skin damage. Cucumber is cooling and helps in soothing irritated or inflammed skin. Both of them are good in tightening the pores of the skin just like the icing method.
Try washing your face at least three times a day since this will reduce your number of acne breakouts. Nevertheless, just use your hands to wash your face instead of using a rough cloth. If you over scrub your face, you can actually irritate the skin where the acne is located and this could cause some of the sores to rupture.
The majority of these diets consist of organic and fresh foods, and almost all include drinking large quantities of fruit, vegetables, and water. Some of the foods that are usually avoided in these diets include sugar and high fat foods (especially dairy), fried foods, and refined carbohydrates.
Fenugreek: Prepare paste of fenugreek. It is said that this is an effective way to take care of your acne.
Garlic: Eat 3 seeds of garlic minimum everyday and rub the affected skin with raw garlic as often as you can every day.
Another in the list of natural acne cures is using apple cider vinegar. This acidic solution helps in curing acne by fighting against bacteria, dissolving excess oil from skin pores and also, by maintaining the skin pH. As far as apple cider vinegar acne treatment is concerned, one can add dilute form in the diet or apply directly to skin.
Besides getting plenty of rest and keeping stress and tension at a minimum, if you have acne, protecting your skin from the ravages of the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) rays should also be at the top of your list of priorities. And, contrary to some popular belief, a sunburn that causes peeling skin is not an effective, or even safe, way of treating acne. Exposure to UV rays increases your risk of skin cancer, hastens the aging process, and depletes the skin of much needed moisture.