Kindergarten Sunday School Games
Telephone or Grapevine
This game has no set-up time or supplies and is great for lessons on gossiping. Place the children in a line across or around the room and whisper something into the first child's ear. That child whispers what he heard into the next kid's ear and so on, until the final child gets the secret. The final child says what she thought she heard, and you tell them what you actually said. The two statements are almost never exactly the same. Explain that this is what happens when you spread gossip.
Noah's Ark
The Noah's Ark game only requires chairs, and it is effective for Noah's ark lessons and lessons about heaven. Place enough chairs in a circle for all but one of the children in the class. Have all the kids sit and let one child start the game, standing in the middle of the circle. Have the child in the middle pick a color and say "I see a rainbow and it has the color ... " Any children wearing that color must stand and quickly exchange seats. The person left standing has to continue the game. At the end of the game, explain that Noah built the ark big enough for anyone who believed to come and sit. However, only Noah's family believed and were saved. Heaven has room for everyone if they believe.
Red Light, Green Light Obstacle Course
This is like the tradition Red Light, Green Light game, with a twist. Scatter obstacles around the room, such as chairs, tables and ropes. Set rules, such as children must crawl under the table and jump over the rope. Place the kids on the opposite side of the room from you and say "Green light" and "Red light." The children move on green and stop on red. Continue alternating the colors until the children make it across the room.
Once the game is finished, ask whether it would have been as enjoyable without rules, and ask what would happen if everyone had their own rules. Tell the children that this is why we have rules and commandments, to make live better.
Treasure Hunt
Before Sunday school, get pictures or objects that pertain to the lesson and scatter them around the room. After the lesson, tell the children that the room contains many pictures or objects related to the lesson. Have the children search for the hidden treasures. At the end of the game, explain that the greatest treasure is Jesus and the best treasure map is the Bible.
Pin the Rock on Goliath
For this game, get a blindfold, pictures of rocks, and a picture of Goliath printed out or hand-drawn. Have each child color and decorate her rock. Then place tape on each rock and play a "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" type game with the rocks and the picture of Goliath.