Career Day For ADHD
Finding the right niche to excel can be problem for many of those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
But if they are able to find their calling they can be very effective and extremely successful.
Our story begins with Sara whose son Johnny has struggled with behavioral and academic issues since entering elementary school.
He now has made it to the fifth grade, only with a great deal of luck.
So, when the school announced a career day Sara just had to take Johnny, hoping to get some encouragement.
This is their story.
The school career day started about eight but Sara and Johnny were late because the form that they were supposed to fill out mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear in the laundry basket.
On there way to the big event Johnny just couldn't stop taking and the door lock switch seemed to be a magnet for channeling his hyperactivity.
Once arriving Sara was already feeling worn out and it was only 8:15.
Were they too late? Would they get any answers? What should they expect? These were all anxiety riddled questions that were running through Sara's mind as they walked into the counseling center.
There counselor was a kind lady in her early 50's who seemed to have many of the same odd ADHD symptoms as little Johnny.
She couldn't find her pencil, then a friend walked by and she had to visit, but once things got started this counselor really buckled down.
*Her first question was whether or not Johnny had a high energy level? Sara quickly responded with absolutely.
*Her second question was about his grades and how well he takes direction.
A blank stare was the only answer on this one.
*Her third question was is he a risk taker or conservative thinker.
Sara had had enough.
What does this all have to do with finding the right path for Johnny she exclaimed? The counselor didn't miss a beat and explained that she is a clinical psychologist and recognized little Johnny's ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility, and inattention right off the bat.
She confessed that she had to overcome many of the same symptoms and in her practice she sees may children just like him.
In fact she explained that some estimates have the occurrence of ADHD in school aged children as high as one out of every five.
As far as careers go she wouldn't want to give a specific career but rather a general career path.
She explained that ADHD individuals tend to be very independent and are at their best when they are not tied to a single location and have the freedom to come and go without someone looking over their shoulder.
She also pointed out that their hyperactivity when focused can be a huge asset especially when combined with their creativity.
In fact, when given the right set of circumstances no one can perform better than someone who has been able to channel and manage their ADHD effectively.
What Next? If you have a child with ADHD the key is managing the problematic symptoms while allowing their creativity to run.
In this pursuit many parent are finding answers in the form of alternative treatment methods such as homeopathy.
Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are a safe and effective way to manage troublesome ADHD symptoms without the risks associated with prescription drugs such as Ritalin.
If you have been looking for a natural healing option that can be used both as a compliment to other non prescription treatments or as a stand alone treatment homeopathy is an alternative worth considering.
But if they are able to find their calling they can be very effective and extremely successful.
Our story begins with Sara whose son Johnny has struggled with behavioral and academic issues since entering elementary school.
He now has made it to the fifth grade, only with a great deal of luck.
So, when the school announced a career day Sara just had to take Johnny, hoping to get some encouragement.
This is their story.
The school career day started about eight but Sara and Johnny were late because the form that they were supposed to fill out mysteriously disappeared, only to reappear in the laundry basket.
On there way to the big event Johnny just couldn't stop taking and the door lock switch seemed to be a magnet for channeling his hyperactivity.
Once arriving Sara was already feeling worn out and it was only 8:15.
Were they too late? Would they get any answers? What should they expect? These were all anxiety riddled questions that were running through Sara's mind as they walked into the counseling center.
There counselor was a kind lady in her early 50's who seemed to have many of the same odd ADHD symptoms as little Johnny.
She couldn't find her pencil, then a friend walked by and she had to visit, but once things got started this counselor really buckled down.
*Her first question was whether or not Johnny had a high energy level? Sara quickly responded with absolutely.
*Her second question was about his grades and how well he takes direction.
A blank stare was the only answer on this one.
*Her third question was is he a risk taker or conservative thinker.
Sara had had enough.
What does this all have to do with finding the right path for Johnny she exclaimed? The counselor didn't miss a beat and explained that she is a clinical psychologist and recognized little Johnny's ADHD symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility, and inattention right off the bat.
She confessed that she had to overcome many of the same symptoms and in her practice she sees may children just like him.
In fact she explained that some estimates have the occurrence of ADHD in school aged children as high as one out of every five.
As far as careers go she wouldn't want to give a specific career but rather a general career path.
She explained that ADHD individuals tend to be very independent and are at their best when they are not tied to a single location and have the freedom to come and go without someone looking over their shoulder.
She also pointed out that their hyperactivity when focused can be a huge asset especially when combined with their creativity.
In fact, when given the right set of circumstances no one can perform better than someone who has been able to channel and manage their ADHD effectively.
What Next? If you have a child with ADHD the key is managing the problematic symptoms while allowing their creativity to run.
In this pursuit many parent are finding answers in the form of alternative treatment methods such as homeopathy.
Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are a safe and effective way to manage troublesome ADHD symptoms without the risks associated with prescription drugs such as Ritalin.
If you have been looking for a natural healing option that can be used both as a compliment to other non prescription treatments or as a stand alone treatment homeopathy is an alternative worth considering.