Facts About the History of the First Mormon Church
- The first Mormon Church was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. in 1830.the book of mormon image by palms from Fotolia.com
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, better known as the Mormon Church, is a Christian church headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. The church has expanded to build congregations, known among Mormons as branches or wards, across the globe. Members of the Mormon Church follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and believe that they are "spiritual children of a loving Heavenly Father who sent us to this earth to learn and grow in a mortal state." - The Mormon Church was founded by Joseph Smith, Jr. and five other men in upstate New York April 6, 1830. He was declared the first president of the Mormon Church, as his followers believed he was a prophet of the modern era ordained by God. It is said that Joseph Smith decided to establish the faith after a vision of God told him to restore the church of Christ, which had been corrupted and lost.
- Kirtland Temple was the first church built by the nearly 1,000 members of the newly formed Mormon Church. Construction began in 1832 after Joseph Smith and his followers moved to Kirtland, Ohio, located just outside of Cleveland, in 1830. The first "House of the Lord" was completed in 1836. It was the headquarters of the Mormon Church until 1838 as well as a center for worship, education and community life. Today, Kirtland Temple is a National Historical Landmark recognized by The Ohio Historical Society and The Architects Society of Ohio.
- The first Mormon Church was created under the guidance of the movement's founding Prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr. He spoke about his calling to "restore the true Christian faith" and prepare humanity for the return of Jesus Christ. Since Joseph Smith's death in 1844, an unbroken succession of prophets have led the Mormon Church to ensure that the beliefs and values of the faith are maintained. Following prophets include Brigham Young, John Taylor, George Albert Smith and Spencer W. Kimball, and the Mormon Church's current prophet is Thomas S. Monson.
Church Establishment
Kirtland Temple
Legacy of Prophets