What Is Black Ivory Worth?
- On the black market, rhino horn sells for about $5,000 per kilogram (2.2 lbs.), while elephant ivory sells for about $3,000 per kilogram.
- In the 1970s, black rhinos numbered well over 60,000 across Africa, but MSNBC reported that the black rhino population in southern Africa was down to 3,600 in 2009 because of poaching.
- Black rhinos inhabit the eastern and southern portions of Africa, but the demand for the rhino horn is primarily in Asia. In 2009, a shipment of ivory worth $1 million was seized on its way to Laos, but officials suspect that the ivory ultimately would have been taken to China.
- Black ivory is often used to make jewelry or other ornaments, including elaborate dagger handles. Also, some traditional Chinese medicines still require rhino horn.
- In addition to avoiding the purchase of black rhino horn, the International Rhino Foundation also recommends living a greener lifestyle to reduce the role humans play in habitat destruction. The foundation offers symbolic adoptions of black rhinos.