Three Foods That You Can Spend Your Money on More Wisely
Looking for ways to get the most nutritional value for your dollar? You can spend a little smarter on the following three foods.
Buy Greek yogurt instead of American yogurt.
Although Greek yogurt is a little more expensive than American yogurt, it has two times the amount of protein.
Excess liquid is removed from Greek yogurt, giving it a thick and creamy texture.
But just like any other yogurts, watch the sugar and fat content, as Greek yogurt can contain lots of it.
Opt for the plain low-fat version of it.
You can choose to sweeten it with fresh fruit.
Don't buy individual snack bags.
Instead, buy your snacks or trail mix in bulk.
It will be two to three times cheaper that way.
Grocery stores, like Henry's, will have a large selection so you can have a lot of variety.
All you have to do is ration out your desired portions and put them in Ziploc bags or plastic containers.
Consider buying almond milk instead of regular milk.
Almond milk has lots of omega 3 fatty acids and a lot less saturated fats.
Because of this, almond milk promotes better heart health.
Not only that, almond milk has a third less calories than regular milk, so it is a good choice for you if you want to lose weight.
I still like drinking regular milk every so often so what I do is buy one gallon of regular milk and one gallon of almond milk to mix things up and keep the cost down.
And there's nothing wrong with mixing the two.
Regular milk does have the advantage of having more protein than almond milk.
Buy Greek yogurt instead of American yogurt.
Although Greek yogurt is a little more expensive than American yogurt, it has two times the amount of protein.
Excess liquid is removed from Greek yogurt, giving it a thick and creamy texture.
But just like any other yogurts, watch the sugar and fat content, as Greek yogurt can contain lots of it.
Opt for the plain low-fat version of it.
You can choose to sweeten it with fresh fruit.
Don't buy individual snack bags.
Instead, buy your snacks or trail mix in bulk.
It will be two to three times cheaper that way.
Grocery stores, like Henry's, will have a large selection so you can have a lot of variety.
All you have to do is ration out your desired portions and put them in Ziploc bags or plastic containers.
Consider buying almond milk instead of regular milk.
Almond milk has lots of omega 3 fatty acids and a lot less saturated fats.
Because of this, almond milk promotes better heart health.
Not only that, almond milk has a third less calories than regular milk, so it is a good choice for you if you want to lose weight.
I still like drinking regular milk every so often so what I do is buy one gallon of regular milk and one gallon of almond milk to mix things up and keep the cost down.
And there's nothing wrong with mixing the two.
Regular milk does have the advantage of having more protein than almond milk.