Towards Universal Humanity
Internet has revolutionized the cyclic cultural transference.
It is transforming the mass mind towards a global world.
English as the world's language has increasingly erased cross cultural boundaries especially in European nations.
And when the two of them are combined, they are increasingly revolutionizing humanity towards universal humanity.
The cultural heritage of nations is not limited to the geometric areas specific to a nation, but we can access them from Helsinki to New York to Sydney to Hong Kong to Siberia.
Thus, the internet enables an ongoing creation of cross-cultural awareness in the mass mind unlike anything before its existence.
New generations are born daily.
The forty years considered as the time interval between generations can be found between the newly born generations of the day and those who represent older generations.
The older generations carry within them the neurological effects of the culture they have been born and raised into.
They have become members of their culture in neurological level.
And with having the effects of cyclic cultural transference in them, they continue the cultural continuum by passing their cultural beliefs to the new generation.
And as the post-innate nature of the older generations has been fashioned by the host culture, such as their national identity is strongly conditioned into them.
In older generations, the cyclic cultural transference of these representational identities for the new generations is as if vital for the survival of humanity.
Thus, one of the major obstacles of the universal humanity is in overcoming the effects of the cyclic cultural transference of beliefs and national identities that have been passed to new generations throughout centuries.
In effect, if there is to be a movement towards universal humanity, the youth must carry the reality into the realm of the universal humanity.
The causal continuance of the world's events is carried forwards by the older generations.
Should the younger generations form political forces globally that drive humanity towards the universal humanity and stick with it, the possibilities for the emergence of new Adolf Hitlers are greatly diminished.
The escalation points of world wars are taken further away from the course of the future the stronger the sense of universal humanity becomes.
Why? The universal humanity is a single coalition.
It does not divide humanity into parallel, competing coalitions nor to counter coalitions.
The universal humanity is a united world.
The present generations have nothing to do with the formation of the divided nationalities.
The present generations can have everything to do in uniting humanity, and thus, make the slow transition that will eventually guarantee the fulfillment of the universal human rights globally.
One of the major benefits of the universal humanity is in the expansion of cultural heritage to not be from one nation, but from all the nations that have existed and exist.
In essence, what the internet is already actualizing.
It is transforming the mass mind towards a global world.
English as the world's language has increasingly erased cross cultural boundaries especially in European nations.
And when the two of them are combined, they are increasingly revolutionizing humanity towards universal humanity.
The cultural heritage of nations is not limited to the geometric areas specific to a nation, but we can access them from Helsinki to New York to Sydney to Hong Kong to Siberia.
Thus, the internet enables an ongoing creation of cross-cultural awareness in the mass mind unlike anything before its existence.
New generations are born daily.
The forty years considered as the time interval between generations can be found between the newly born generations of the day and those who represent older generations.
The older generations carry within them the neurological effects of the culture they have been born and raised into.
They have become members of their culture in neurological level.
And with having the effects of cyclic cultural transference in them, they continue the cultural continuum by passing their cultural beliefs to the new generation.
And as the post-innate nature of the older generations has been fashioned by the host culture, such as their national identity is strongly conditioned into them.
In older generations, the cyclic cultural transference of these representational identities for the new generations is as if vital for the survival of humanity.
Thus, one of the major obstacles of the universal humanity is in overcoming the effects of the cyclic cultural transference of beliefs and national identities that have been passed to new generations throughout centuries.
In effect, if there is to be a movement towards universal humanity, the youth must carry the reality into the realm of the universal humanity.
The causal continuance of the world's events is carried forwards by the older generations.
Should the younger generations form political forces globally that drive humanity towards the universal humanity and stick with it, the possibilities for the emergence of new Adolf Hitlers are greatly diminished.
The escalation points of world wars are taken further away from the course of the future the stronger the sense of universal humanity becomes.
Why? The universal humanity is a single coalition.
It does not divide humanity into parallel, competing coalitions nor to counter coalitions.
The universal humanity is a united world.
The present generations have nothing to do with the formation of the divided nationalities.
The present generations can have everything to do in uniting humanity, and thus, make the slow transition that will eventually guarantee the fulfillment of the universal human rights globally.
One of the major benefits of the universal humanity is in the expansion of cultural heritage to not be from one nation, but from all the nations that have existed and exist.
In essence, what the internet is already actualizing.