The Summer Solstice - A Time of Powerful Magic!
Midsummer Magic The Summer Solstice, also known in other Pagan, Celtic, Druid and Wiccan traditions as Alban Heruin, Litha or Midsummer, occurs each year on or around the 21st June.
The Summer Solstice is a time when powerful magic can make manifest positive and significant changes to the material wealth, prosperity, love and happiness of people who take time to honor and celebrate the Midsummer Day.
The energy on and around the Summer Solstice is one of passion, vitality, creativity, vibrant health and abundance.
It is a very powerful energy, acknowledged and honored by the ancients.
It is believed that Midsummer Magic has the power to allow the seemingly impossible to materialize and manifest.
It is the perfect time for magic and spell work for career advancement, business success, wealth creation, prosperity, commitment in love relationships and overall happiness.
Empowering Gold To turn an everyday item of gold jewelery into a powerful good luck talisman you will need to follow this Summer Solstice Ritual.
Any small gold item can be used e.
ring, pendent, coin etc.
"Bury" the piece of gold in a flameproof dish of dried herbs on Midsummer Eve.
Choose a selection of any of the following herbs - Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, St John's Wort, Lavender and Chamomile.
Choose the herbs you feel guided to.
The herbs represent the element of earth.
The following morning at dawn on the Summer Solstice Day remove the gold item from the herbs.
Submerge the gold item into a dish of pure water and immediately remove.
Next light a yellow or gold candle and pass the gold item carefully but swiftly through the flame of the candle.
This is to purify it with power of the element of fire.
With the flame of the candle ignite the dried herbs in the dish, allowing them to burn and omit their fragrant incense.
At midday place the piece of gold safely outdoors where it can lie directly under sunlight, leave it there until dusk and retrieve.
Now you are ready to infuse good luck and positive energies into the gold item.
Hold the item, close your eyes and concentrate and focus on what you most desire.
Say aloud what you wish for three times, while holding the gold item.
- Be charmed and spellbound - With luck, love and light - Prosperity abound - With energies bright When you have fished, end with the words "So mote it be!" Wear or keep close to you, the spell infused gold item to bring you good luck.
The Summer Solstice is a time when powerful magic can make manifest positive and significant changes to the material wealth, prosperity, love and happiness of people who take time to honor and celebrate the Midsummer Day.
The energy on and around the Summer Solstice is one of passion, vitality, creativity, vibrant health and abundance.
It is a very powerful energy, acknowledged and honored by the ancients.
It is believed that Midsummer Magic has the power to allow the seemingly impossible to materialize and manifest.
It is the perfect time for magic and spell work for career advancement, business success, wealth creation, prosperity, commitment in love relationships and overall happiness.
Empowering Gold To turn an everyday item of gold jewelery into a powerful good luck talisman you will need to follow this Summer Solstice Ritual.
Any small gold item can be used e.
ring, pendent, coin etc.
"Bury" the piece of gold in a flameproof dish of dried herbs on Midsummer Eve.
Choose a selection of any of the following herbs - Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, St John's Wort, Lavender and Chamomile.
Choose the herbs you feel guided to.
The herbs represent the element of earth.
The following morning at dawn on the Summer Solstice Day remove the gold item from the herbs.
Submerge the gold item into a dish of pure water and immediately remove.
Next light a yellow or gold candle and pass the gold item carefully but swiftly through the flame of the candle.
This is to purify it with power of the element of fire.
With the flame of the candle ignite the dried herbs in the dish, allowing them to burn and omit their fragrant incense.
At midday place the piece of gold safely outdoors where it can lie directly under sunlight, leave it there until dusk and retrieve.
Now you are ready to infuse good luck and positive energies into the gold item.
Hold the item, close your eyes and concentrate and focus on what you most desire.
Say aloud what you wish for three times, while holding the gold item.
- Be charmed and spellbound - With luck, love and light - Prosperity abound - With energies bright When you have fished, end with the words "So mote it be!" Wear or keep close to you, the spell infused gold item to bring you good luck.