How to Hunt With Predator Calls
- 1). Go online and find MP3 recordings of farm animals and small game animals in various states of distress. Choose several recordings that are two to three minutes each and save them on your MP3 player. Find and save several recordings of young predators vocalizing relaxed and agitated noises as well as attack sounds. Choose predatory sounds that are between 30 seconds and one minute long. Record two to three minutes of silence. Arrange your recordings into a play list on your MP3 player with the silence first followed by the other recordings arranged in any order you wish with periods of silence between each.
- 2). Cover your face with camouflage paint. Avoid using distinct patterns. Remember that predatory mammals have very acute vision. Dress from head to toe in loose fitting, camouflage clothing. Distort your outline as much as possible.
- 3). Carry your equipment into the field. Choose the edge of a thicket for your stand. Be sure your stand is overlooking a clearing that is up wind from your position. Predators have acute senses of hearing and smell and the wind will help to carry both away from the kill zone.
- 4). Carry your sound equipment into the clearing and position 75 to 100 yards away from your stand. Aim the speaker away from your shooting position to draw animals from the direction you will be facing. Turn on your MP3 player and walk back to your stand. Sit just inside the edge of the thicket. Make yourself comfortable and sit as still as possible.
- 5). Watch the direction the speaker is facing while being wary of predators approaching from the side, or even behind you. Wait until a predator is between 100 to 150 yards away from you. Aim just behind the front shoulder if the animal presents a broadside shot. Aim just below the throat if the animal is facing you. Wait for a standing, broadside shot if possible.
- 6). Squeeze the trigger on your gun when you have chosen your shot and taken proper aim. Wait 20 to 30 minutes to approach a downed animal. Approach the animal from behind, poke it in the flank with the barrel of your gun to be sure it is dead, and be ready to shoot again if it is not.