How to Tile a Kitchen Back Splash
- 1). Remove any small appliances and electrical outlet covers. Cover the major appliances and counter tops with old towels. Lightly sand the area to be tiled and wipe with a damp cloth to remove any dust.
- 2). Locate and mark the center of the area using a measuring tape. Use a carpenter's level to draw a horizontal and vertical line as a guide for positioning the center tiles.
- 3). Start in the center and spread tile mastic on the wall with a V-notched trowel. Apply the mastic in an area large enough for eight tiles. Fill in any bare spots with mastic before setting any tiles. Position the tiles in rows using the guide lines as a reference and work your way outwards. Insert tile spacers if the tiles require them.
- 4). Make any necessary straight cuts using a tile cutter. For notched cuts around cabinet corners or electrical outlets, use a wet saw. Tile cutters and wet saws can be rented from most home improvement stores. Finish tiling out to the edges of the area and allow to set overnight.
- 5). Mix the grout in a bucket to a peanut butter consistency. Work the grout into the gout lines with a rubber grout float. Avoid putting grout in the area between the bottom tiles and the counter top. Wipe off any excess grout with a damp sponge, rinsing often. Allow the grout to set, approximately 45 minutes, then wipe off any haze with a clean dry cloth.
- 6). Apply a bead of caulk all the way around the tiled area, between the tile and the cabinets, corners and the space between the bottom tiles and the counter tops. Smooth the bead with a wet finger.