Can Friends on Facebook See Email Addresses?
- Add an email address to your account by visiting the "Account Settings" menu, accessible via the "Account" link in the top-right corner of any Facebook screen. Click the small blue "Change" link in the "Email" section. Enter a new email address in the "New Contact Email" field and then click the "Add New Email" button. The new address is added to your account. By default, the email address is visible to friends.
- If you have hidden an email address and want to make it visible to friends again, click on the "Account" link and go to "Privacy Settings." Scroll down and click "Customize Settings" at the bottom of the screen. Scroll down to "Contact Information." Next to each email address you have on file is a gray icon with the image of a lock and your current privacy setting. Click on the icon and select any privacy setting except "Only Me" to make the email address visible to friends.
- Facebook allows you to preview how your profile looks to your friends. Go to the "Privacy Settings" menu, click on "Customize Settings" and select n the "Preview My Profile" icon at the top of the screen. Facebook automatically shows you how your profile appears to nonfriends; type a name in the "Start typing a friend's name" field at the top of the screen. Once you see your friend's name in the list generated by Facebook, click on it once to view how she sees your profile and confirm that your email is visible.
- When your email information is visible to other Facebook users, and they contact you via your email address, Facebook no longer has any control over their behavior. If someone begins to send unwanted communication to you via email, Facebook is unable to take action. Consider limiting your email's visibility to "Friends Only" or keep it hidden and send a private message with your email address to specific people who request it.
Add New Email
Change Privacy
Check Visibility