Lay Right Now I"m My Reservist
Lay right now I'm my reservist totally out which is one of my procedure you know Deplete all like a scene from the muscle no outlets-water in your body at all I'm gonna ap believe it or not no no-this phase can tell you something you know just I feel like I was in concentrator camp the train when you depleted he had no energy the way goes up and down you-don't feel don't get a part of deletions fire protest mine don't knows lot of sugar like eating to the brain very tired barney confused this depletion.
this term is used althea time I meet you read the papers I've heard about study that's happening at Stanford these days into antioxidants you look on the supplements a virus I about any options any options blueberries have been what exactly does that mean what is the people need to understand about this term that can actually help them in the decisions they make well you will run into the term a miss defined in many areas poorly defined but an antioxidant is a substance this very sophisticated interlocking system a network of the antioxidant system and this consists of a number of nutrients such as vitamin C vitamin he and also enzymes very fission enzymes that mobilize the electrons to quench those oxygen free radicals ok now eventually it's the oxygen free radicals that put an end to a life okay we live long enough where were continually generating oxygen free radicals from the first time that we breathe way we bring oxygen in and three to five percent of all the oxygen that we bring it goes into making free radicals we can totally quench them mum so our antioxidant system is there and if weâEUR(TM)re lucky we have a very fish in antioxidant system and we can get to be as good-looking and vibrant as you are was guys.
that donates electrons no any chemical reaction involves exchange electrons okay that's what drives nature that's whatdrives life some basic chemistry from neuroflexyn high school that much agreement that's the basic chemistry now as we use oxygen we create reactive derivatives have oxygen that take away electrons from the molecules love life so we neuroflexyn can get protein damage we can get DNA damage wean get damaged other sophisticated molecules and to protect us from that there arose.
this term is used althea time I meet you read the papers I've heard about study that's happening at Stanford these days into antioxidants you look on the supplements a virus I about any options any options blueberries have been what exactly does that mean what is the people need to understand about this term that can actually help them in the decisions they make well you will run into the term a miss defined in many areas poorly defined but an antioxidant is a substance this very sophisticated interlocking system a network of the antioxidant system and this consists of a number of nutrients such as vitamin C vitamin he and also enzymes very fission enzymes that mobilize the electrons to quench those oxygen free radicals ok now eventually it's the oxygen free radicals that put an end to a life okay we live long enough where were continually generating oxygen free radicals from the first time that we breathe way we bring oxygen in and three to five percent of all the oxygen that we bring it goes into making free radicals we can totally quench them mum so our antioxidant system is there and if weâEUR(TM)re lucky we have a very fish in antioxidant system and we can get to be as good-looking and vibrant as you are was guys.
that donates electrons no any chemical reaction involves exchange electrons okay that's what drives nature that's whatdrives life some basic chemistry from neuroflexyn high school that much agreement that's the basic chemistry now as we use oxygen we create reactive derivatives have oxygen that take away electrons from the molecules love life so we neuroflexyn can get protein damage we can get DNA damage wean get damaged other sophisticated molecules and to protect us from that there arose.