Inspirational Stories About Love
- Written by Jane Austin, this romantic and inspirational story explores love through marriage and wit. Told through the eyes of Elizabeth Bennett, the novel's main character, the story follows four sisters and their mother who tries to marry them off. Be inspired by the pride and prejudice presented by the sharp-tongued Elizabeth through her interactions with the wealthy, handsome Mr. Darcy.
- Written by William Shakespeare, this tragic love story can be most inspirational in its ability to show just what two people are willing to do for one another. Separated by two feuding families, persecuted by their parents and forced to make the ultimate sacrifice, "Romeo and Juliet" inspires its reader to go to leaps and bounds for love.
- Written by John Donne, this poem illustrates the inspiration of being one with a lover. John Donne speaks of lovers cemented by their hands, taking on the shape of one another while laying in bed, yet saying nothing at all. The inspiration of two souls becoming one makes "The Ecstasy" a very romantic story indeed.
- Written by Gabriel García Márquez, this love story is about hope -- hope that lasts for 51 years, 9 months and 4 days. Marquez illustrates the heart's ability to carry wild hope in a time of despair and disease. "Love in the Time of Cholera" is a most eloquent story and gives us love on the level of absurd set in a Caribbean seaport.
- Written by Annie Proulx this short story defines love in a modern yet still unacceptable manner. Ennis Delmar and Jack Twist become companions while working and fall madly and deeply for one another. "Brokeback Mountain" illustrates that love doesn't have to be acceptable to inspire and can come along when you least expect it. Inspirational in its entirety, it is short, yet complex and colorful in writing.
Pride and Prejudice
Romeo and Juliet
The Ecstasy
Love in the Time of Cholera
Broke Back Mountain