DIY Signal Booster for a Cell Phone
- Sometimes a phone in a weak reception area works better when held in a flat position instead of vertically against your ear. Using the speakerphone option on your phone can allow you to hold the phone in optimum position while you have your conversation. If you receive poor reception indoors, move as close to a window as you can and turn on the speakerphone. Walk around the area closest to the window and experiment with the phone position until you find the optimum placement for a stronger signal.
- Cellphones have their own built-in antennas. You can make your own antenna extension out of regular household items. The options differ and depend on what kind of phone you have. If your phone has an external antenna jack, you can bend a metal paperclip into an antenna. After extending the paperclip into a straight line, use pliers to bend the very tip of it perpendicular to the rest. This should fit into the antenna jack. Use electrical tape to fasten the clip to the back of the phone. There is always a chance that this could short out your phone and void your warranty. So always use this method at your own risk.
If your phone has an antenna that extends slightly from the top of the phone, take a metal twist tie and wrap it around the antenna. This will strengthen it and help it pick up weaker signals. If the tie comes loose, use electrical tape to hold it in place.
Making Antennas