Poetry: This love
delirious i am as she strides through my view
oblivious she is of the thoughts that within me grew
the search was over the light found
enamored i was, a feeling profound
yet the light dimmed as she walked with another
lightheaded i felt as my heart began to plunder
sententious of the pain that resided within
constant tears flowed like a river of rain
disbelief, a dagger impaled deep
adhering to it is the initiation of defeat
but a new day arises, the sun again will set
and a search again will begin for the loved one to be met
The meaning of Life I ponder
How can good conquer evil? I often wonder
To make a difference I must
By showing of love and winning of trust
The sad face of a little child
Makes my heart race like it's wild
A solution is needed to pave the way for the next generation
We must be real in our interaction
The beauty of God's creation
Makes my eyes wide in dilation
So many good things he gave, just so we would be saved
Yet we hurt others with words and deeds, which is so depraved
Mother nature is crying out for care
As pollution and garbage litter everywhere
Dominion he gave to us over all the animals and sea creature
But that didn't mean in our meals they must feature
My heart is pained and in utter despair
As the young people of tomorrow live without fear
There is no God some say and so we can do as we may
Immorality and lack of values they display
Figuring out how to interact in order to convey
The need for a savior is what I daily do
I am my brothers' keeper
And surely things are not getting any cheaper
Now is the time to be sublime
As up the mountain we must climb
Though wearisome the journey
God's grace will be to us like honey
Let's lift each other up when tired they be
As from the devil we must flee
Our purpose is love and respect to all mankind
As the meaning of life is the practice to live without strife
My Grandmother was an Evangelist and she loved the Lord so much. This was obvious to me from the tender age of two. Daily she called me to read words from her Bible and even though I don't recall what my first bible word was or even my favorite bible verse; the Holy Bible was my most favorite book to read. No one was spared granny's boasting. As soon as they landed at the front door she would tell them how little me can read from the Bible and the King James Version at that. She would make me read there in front of them as a display of her truthful words, and sure enough my little lisp tongue would get all tied up in my mouth as I tried to repeat some of those olden day English. Our little rural district was not privy to many modern amenities and so we sort of lived in €the dark ages€ so to speak. Many people were illiterate, but they loved going to church. Oftentimes, off we would go with or without shoes to our little church upon the hill. It was fascinating to watch the people singing and clapping and even chanting whilst rolling on the floor in praise and €the spirit.€
My heart craved to have the gift of the spirit they said was displayed. As a result, at home we would play church, and sure enough €in the spirit€ we would get. Jumping and shouting all sorts of babling words; just as we saw it in church. But as I grew older and watch my granny go blind, but yet her faith in God never waivered, God became real to me too. She became immobile as cervical cancer and arthrities had her sick really bad. Yet never a doubtful word did she express and her hope for a miracle never waivered. €One day before I die, I will see. If it is even just for a second,€ she said. Sure enough at that last minute when we thought she was dead, she lifted her hand and opened her eyes and said goodbye. She saw us I knew and never did I doubt God's power and grace.
oblivious she is of the thoughts that within me grew
the search was over the light found
enamored i was, a feeling profound
yet the light dimmed as she walked with another
lightheaded i felt as my heart began to plunder
sententious of the pain that resided within
constant tears flowed like a river of rain
disbelief, a dagger impaled deep
adhering to it is the initiation of defeat
but a new day arises, the sun again will set
and a search again will begin for the loved one to be met
The meaning of Life I ponder
How can good conquer evil? I often wonder
To make a difference I must
By showing of love and winning of trust
The sad face of a little child
Makes my heart race like it's wild
A solution is needed to pave the way for the next generation
We must be real in our interaction
The beauty of God's creation
Makes my eyes wide in dilation
So many good things he gave, just so we would be saved
Yet we hurt others with words and deeds, which is so depraved
Mother nature is crying out for care
As pollution and garbage litter everywhere
Dominion he gave to us over all the animals and sea creature
But that didn't mean in our meals they must feature
My heart is pained and in utter despair
As the young people of tomorrow live without fear
There is no God some say and so we can do as we may
Immorality and lack of values they display
Figuring out how to interact in order to convey
The need for a savior is what I daily do
I am my brothers' keeper
And surely things are not getting any cheaper
Now is the time to be sublime
As up the mountain we must climb
Though wearisome the journey
God's grace will be to us like honey
Let's lift each other up when tired they be
As from the devil we must flee
Our purpose is love and respect to all mankind
As the meaning of life is the practice to live without strife
My Grandmother was an Evangelist and she loved the Lord so much. This was obvious to me from the tender age of two. Daily she called me to read words from her Bible and even though I don't recall what my first bible word was or even my favorite bible verse; the Holy Bible was my most favorite book to read. No one was spared granny's boasting. As soon as they landed at the front door she would tell them how little me can read from the Bible and the King James Version at that. She would make me read there in front of them as a display of her truthful words, and sure enough my little lisp tongue would get all tied up in my mouth as I tried to repeat some of those olden day English. Our little rural district was not privy to many modern amenities and so we sort of lived in €the dark ages€ so to speak. Many people were illiterate, but they loved going to church. Oftentimes, off we would go with or without shoes to our little church upon the hill. It was fascinating to watch the people singing and clapping and even chanting whilst rolling on the floor in praise and €the spirit.€
My heart craved to have the gift of the spirit they said was displayed. As a result, at home we would play church, and sure enough €in the spirit€ we would get. Jumping and shouting all sorts of babling words; just as we saw it in church. But as I grew older and watch my granny go blind, but yet her faith in God never waivered, God became real to me too. She became immobile as cervical cancer and arthrities had her sick really bad. Yet never a doubtful word did she express and her hope for a miracle never waivered. €One day before I die, I will see. If it is even just for a second,€ she said. Sure enough at that last minute when we thought she was dead, she lifted her hand and opened her eyes and said goodbye. She saw us I knew and never did I doubt God's power and grace.