Floating Candles & Flowers Centerpieces
- Just about any item you have will work as a container. When lit, clear containers create a dazzling display. Large brandy snifters, martini or wine glasses can be filled with rocks and water, a candle and small flowers. Glass vases are another option. Waterproof wooden containers or ceramic vessels can be filled with water, a floating candle and large flowers.
- Floating candles come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Large floating candle and flower centerpieces should feature three or four matching candles while a tall container needs only one dominant candle. For holiday-themed centerpieces, use star- or heart-shaped candles.
- For a small container, use only a few flowers or even petals in your centerpiece to enhance the floating candle. Full-blossomed flowers, such as chrysanthemums, peonies or carnations, work well in large floating centerpieces. Artificial flowers can also be used.
- To add depth to your centerpiece, add small, colored, translucent stones or water pearls to the container. Crystals, prisms or marbles will add also depth. Place a clear container on a mirror to reflect light from the candle.
Container Types
Candle Choices
Flower Sizes