How to Create Musical Melodies
- 1). Record yourself humming or singing a melody that comes to mind. When a melodic idea hits you, recording yourself can help to remember elements of the tune.
- 2). Play notes on a piano or guitar when you are relaxed and in a creative state of mind. If you are able to play an instrument, the process of physically playing various notes can help to create a melody.
- 3). Learn the notes of the staff, as well as how to notate rhythms. Being able to write your melody on staff paper allows you to play it again later, and it allows other musicians the ability to read and play your music.
- 4). Start with a basic rhythm. Tap a three- or four-beat pattern as you hum or play notes. You can begin with one note per beat at first and add embellishments later if you wish.
- 5). Create variation of pitch by using patterns of ascending and descending notes. If you use too many of the same notes or notes that don't move very far in pitch, your melody may sound monotonous.
- 6). Hum, sing or play your melody again once you have finished creating it and notating it. Record yourself performing the final product. Listen to the recording. If the melody sounds pleasant and unlike other familiar melodies, then you may want to leave the melody just as it is. If you are unsatisfied with certain portions, make edits as needed.