Juggling Wok and Children - 3 Tips For Managing a Career and Being a Stay at Home Mom
If you are reading this article you may be one of many Stay at Home Moms that are experiencing the difficulties of balancing your role as a mother and working from home.
Good news, you are not alone.
The 2004 U.
Census stated that there were 5.
4 million stay at home mothers.
As you have experienced, outside of your career duties, your stay at home mom role includes additional jobs such as Child Day Care Provider, Teacher, Janitor, Administrative Assistant, Accounting Clerk, and so on.
I am here to encourage you and provide some tips for successfully managing your life.
When I decided to be a full time freelance writer, one of the big decisions I had to make was whether to keep my one year old daughter in daycare or keep her at home.
My husband and I decided to give it a try.
After the first day I realized that I wanted my daughter home with me.
I really liked the daycare provider but I didn't like the idea of someone else raising my child.
I want to be the frontrunner in my children's life.
With her at daycare I missed some of her "firsts" and am determined not to miss any more.
So I eagerly accepted the challenge of keeping my daughter at home and pioneering my freelance business.
I managed only by developing a system and sticking to 3 keys, as detailed below.
)Strict Scheduling.
Anytime you have to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, you must create and execute a very strict schedule.
I determined the time I would devote to my daughter, business time, and personal time.
Honestly, I still have a lot of late nights and early mornings to accommodate for the "loss" of work time spent with my daughter, but that is the price to pay for having the flexibility of working from home.
)Positive Attitude.
Like anything in life, there are difficult moments, but you do not want those difficult days to affect your relationship with your child.
Remain positive throughout your day and constantly remind yourself of why you are working from home in the first place; the reason is much more important than the process.
With this you should also make work fun.
You are working from home for one of two reasons: your family needs the income or you enjoy working, so make the most out of your time and enjoy every moment you can muster.
When you are at home it is very easy to get wrapped up in personal distractions.
For me, I was a huge movie-goer so I had to avoid the television and the couch at all costs.
At first having two full time jobs is overwhelming, but by applying these 3 basic tips to your life on a daily basis you will experience the rewards of enjoying your career as you enjoy watching your children grow.
Works Cited: Bernstein, Robert, "'Stay-at-Home' Parents Top 5 Million, Census Bureau Reports".
Census Bureau.
30 Nov.
8 Feb.
html] Robo, Regina M.
"Dream Job: Stay-at-Home-Mom".
8 Feb.
Good news, you are not alone.
The 2004 U.
Census stated that there were 5.
4 million stay at home mothers.
As you have experienced, outside of your career duties, your stay at home mom role includes additional jobs such as Child Day Care Provider, Teacher, Janitor, Administrative Assistant, Accounting Clerk, and so on.
I am here to encourage you and provide some tips for successfully managing your life.
When I decided to be a full time freelance writer, one of the big decisions I had to make was whether to keep my one year old daughter in daycare or keep her at home.
My husband and I decided to give it a try.
After the first day I realized that I wanted my daughter home with me.
I really liked the daycare provider but I didn't like the idea of someone else raising my child.
I want to be the frontrunner in my children's life.
With her at daycare I missed some of her "firsts" and am determined not to miss any more.
So I eagerly accepted the challenge of keeping my daughter at home and pioneering my freelance business.
I managed only by developing a system and sticking to 3 keys, as detailed below.
)Strict Scheduling.
Anytime you have to juggle multiple responsibilities simultaneously, you must create and execute a very strict schedule.
I determined the time I would devote to my daughter, business time, and personal time.
Honestly, I still have a lot of late nights and early mornings to accommodate for the "loss" of work time spent with my daughter, but that is the price to pay for having the flexibility of working from home.
)Positive Attitude.
Like anything in life, there are difficult moments, but you do not want those difficult days to affect your relationship with your child.
Remain positive throughout your day and constantly remind yourself of why you are working from home in the first place; the reason is much more important than the process.
With this you should also make work fun.
You are working from home for one of two reasons: your family needs the income or you enjoy working, so make the most out of your time and enjoy every moment you can muster.
When you are at home it is very easy to get wrapped up in personal distractions.
For me, I was a huge movie-goer so I had to avoid the television and the couch at all costs.
At first having two full time jobs is overwhelming, but by applying these 3 basic tips to your life on a daily basis you will experience the rewards of enjoying your career as you enjoy watching your children grow.
Works Cited: Bernstein, Robert, "'Stay-at-Home' Parents Top 5 Million, Census Bureau Reports".
Census Bureau.
30 Nov.
8 Feb.
html] Robo, Regina M.
"Dream Job: Stay-at-Home-Mom".
8 Feb.