Build A Massive Insurance Agency, Back By Popular Demand - Third In An Insightful Series!
Build a massive insurance agency by continuing to follow my formula and you will also build a massive income.
In my last article we started to cover the importance of policyholder service-a facet where many agents and brokers do a poor job.
They end up losing good quality business right out the "back door" at the first or second renewal.
One key facet we started to cover as we ended the last article; achieving a high level of policyholder service.
So let's get to it and continue to learn the complex details of setting a high level policyholder service! The insurance industry is a very competitive market place, people always shop for the lowest price available.
In some cases the old expression "you get what you pay for" is a sad reality in this industry.
From a consumer's point of view, they want the most "bang for their buck".
As brokers and agents; we know the companies that have a poor claims service record and others that are very good with offering good to excellent claims service.
Here is where a good agents or brokers can offer good claims service to their policyholders and in return; retain their client base and begin to build a massive insurance agency and massive income.
It's all about closing the "back door" and offering the best claims service not only by dealing with a reputable insurance company; but also by installing procedures in their office that will help with the age-old problem of client retention.
Agents and brokers walk a fine line here because consumers are shopping price and oblivious to future pitfalls with some insurance companies.
It's the agents and brokers job to find middle ground of both affordable and reliable insurance coverage.
Set up a follow-up procedure when your policyholder has a claim, usually they will call your office with a complaint; but not all the time.
Many of them get angry and change companies at the next renewal.
This brings us to the next important part of my formula; set up a pending system that follows up with a policyholder for late payments.
I am amazed when I have been a guest speaker at insurance seminars and find many agents and brokers that don't have a pending late payment system in place.
Follow my formula and begin to build that massive insurance agency and with it; that massive income and enjoy excellent policyholder retention.
In my last article we started to cover the importance of policyholder service-a facet where many agents and brokers do a poor job.
They end up losing good quality business right out the "back door" at the first or second renewal.
One key facet we started to cover as we ended the last article; achieving a high level of policyholder service.
So let's get to it and continue to learn the complex details of setting a high level policyholder service! The insurance industry is a very competitive market place, people always shop for the lowest price available.
In some cases the old expression "you get what you pay for" is a sad reality in this industry.
From a consumer's point of view, they want the most "bang for their buck".
As brokers and agents; we know the companies that have a poor claims service record and others that are very good with offering good to excellent claims service.
Here is where a good agents or brokers can offer good claims service to their policyholders and in return; retain their client base and begin to build a massive insurance agency and massive income.
It's all about closing the "back door" and offering the best claims service not only by dealing with a reputable insurance company; but also by installing procedures in their office that will help with the age-old problem of client retention.
Agents and brokers walk a fine line here because consumers are shopping price and oblivious to future pitfalls with some insurance companies.
It's the agents and brokers job to find middle ground of both affordable and reliable insurance coverage.
Set up a follow-up procedure when your policyholder has a claim, usually they will call your office with a complaint; but not all the time.
Many of them get angry and change companies at the next renewal.
This brings us to the next important part of my formula; set up a pending system that follows up with a policyholder for late payments.
I am amazed when I have been a guest speaker at insurance seminars and find many agents and brokers that don't have a pending late payment system in place.
Follow my formula and begin to build that massive insurance agency and with it; that massive income and enjoy excellent policyholder retention.