Tips for the Infrequent Flyer
- Print out your boarding pass from home.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images
Save time by checking in via computer. Select the "Check In" link on your airline's webpage, and enter your flight confirmation number to obtain and print out your boarding pass. Even if you cannot immediately print out the pass, the check-in information is stored and you can print the pass out later at an airport kiosk. Prevent getting stranded at the airport by checking the status of your flight before heading to the airport either by calling the airline or checking the airline's webpage. - Check the airline to find out about their baggage restrictions.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Learn the baggage policy of your air carrier. While each airline has its own rules, travelers commonly can have one carry on and check in two pieces of luggage. Calling the airline directly or visiting their webpage for luggage restrictions can prevent the stress of being charged hefty fees, typically $75 dollars, for bags that exceed weight limits. According to TSA, liquids are restricted to a "3.4 oz. (100 ml) bottle or less (by volume)." - Arrive at the airport at least two hours in advance. Getting there early reduces stress and the chance of missing a flight because of slow check-in and security lines, and long walks to the boarding gate. Keep your identification handy --- such as a passport or state-issued driver's license --- for you will be required to show it multiple times. Avoid checking bags. Packing essentials into a carry-on saves time, enabling you to go straight to security and your gate.
- Take shoes off and place them in a bin.Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images
Dress for travel. Wear shoes that come off easily, and remove shoes, belts, coats, and metal jewelry and watches well before reaching the bins. Avoid carrying change in your pockets. Place small items in your carry on in clear bags, such as food storage bags, so bag checkers can search quickly if your bag is flagged. Take your laptop out of its case, open it and place it in a bin for scanning. - With luck, your check-in process may be a breeze. While this is usually a good thing, it can mean a long wait before your flight leaves. Bringing something to keep everyone busy prevents boredom and frayed nerves, both prior to and during the flight. For children, bring coloring books or paper to write on, books and electronic games. Adults can relax with a paperback, magazine, digital book reader or iPod.
Boarding Pass and Flight Status
Baggage Rules
Security Checkpoint